
No.216 研究課題 / Project

多摩川及び福生地区の外来生物分布マップの作成Mapping of exotic species distribution map in Fussa City and surrounding fluvial area in the Tama River

General Research
Principal Investigator
島田 高廣
Takahiro Shimada
特定非営利活動法人 自然環境アカデミー 代表理事
Academy of Natural Environment, Nonprofit Organization
Research Summary


In this study, we conducted a survey to understand the distribution of 73 exotic vascular plants including some invasive alien species in Fussa City and surrounding fluvial area of the Tama River. Observed GIS (Geographical Information System) location points of respective species were plotted and 250m mesh size maps were created using open source GIS software packages (Quantum GIS, etc.). The distribution of these plant species were categorized in the following categories based on their occurrence in the study area: (i) plants grow widely (viz. Taraxacum officinale, Oxalis corymbosa, Papaver dubium, etc.); (ii) plants grow in few meshes (viz. Coreopsis lanceolata, Rudbeckia laciniata, Abutilon theophrasti, etc.,); (iii) plants grow discretely (viz. Crassocephalum crepidioides, Gamochaeta pensylvanica, etc.); (iv) plants grow characteristically along the river, railway or roadway (viz. Plantago lanceolata, Oenothera laciniata, Eragrostis curvula, etc.); and (v) species not-observed (viz. Gymnocoronis spilanthoides, Alternanthera denticulate, Alternanthera philoxeroides, etc.).

Rapid spread of exotic and invasive plants is a world-wide ecological issue now-a-days. The Tama River and its watershed area is not an exception to this problem. A distribution map is one of the best ways to comprehend the growth status and occurrence of these exotic plants. So far we know, there is no detailed distribution map of this kind for the said area. In this study, we made exotic species distribution maps for the survey area. Hence we have been able to contribute significantly to offer a model to describe the state of exotic plants in a local scale. We hope that environmental NPO and citizens concerned about the invading species will be able to make the exotic organism distribution map in larger scale following the model that we adopted in our study.
野村 亮 特定非営利活動法人自然環境アカデミー
内田 哲夫 特定非営利活動法人自然環境アカデミー/埼玉大学理工学研究科

Ryo Nomura Academy of Natural Environment, Nonprofit Organization
Tetsuo Uchida Academy of Natural Environment, Nonprofit Organization
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