No.205 研究課題 / Project
多摩川水系の小学校教師を対象とした多摩川環境学習の実態調査および問題解決に向けた学習支援とその教材開発Factual Research of the Tama River Environmental Education for Elementary School Teachers in the Tama River Basin; and Educational Support for Problem Solving and Development of Teaching Materials一般研究 General Research |
No.205 |
代表研究者 Principal Investigator |
竹本 久志 Hisashi Takemoto |
所属(採択当時) Affiliation |
NPO多摩川塾 理事 Director, NPO Tamagawa Club |
研究内容要約 Research Summary |
当法人は、大都市河川ながら比較的豊かな自然度を残す多摩川を流域児童の環境教育の場として活用する「多摩川教育河川構想」の推進を目的に、小学校教師を対象とした自然環境教育指導者育成講座を開催している。 前年度は教師を対象とした自然体験講座を開くと同時に、東京都と神奈川県の63小学校、131名の教員から多摩川環境学習のアンケートをとり、実施困難校の問題解決に向けた支援プログラム(A4カラー・28頁)500部を作成した。また教師向け学習教材として多摩川版「昆虫カード」(1200セット)を制作配布した。 今年度も流域各地で体験教室や出前講座を開催し(資料別添)、事業数31回、参加者のべ約3529名(児童・保護者含む)を数えた。これは昨年度の事業数・参加者数(24回・約3098)を大きく上回るもので、充実した1年となった。 さらに教師向け学習教材として,1年間取り貯めたデータを元に「干潟の生きもの図鑑」を現在制作中。多摩川先生育成のツールとして活用したい。 We, the NPO Tamagawa Club, offer the environmental education leader development courses to elementary school teachers in order to promote "The Tama River Educational Program," which aims at making use of the Tama River, which is surrounded with relatively well-preserved nature compared with other urban rivers, as the venue for environmental education for children living in the basin. Last fiscal year, we offered nature experience seminars to teachers, and also created 500 copies of an advisory brochure (A4 color pages, 28 pages in length) to support schools having difficulties in program implementation. This brochure was created based on the data obtained from the questionnaire survey on the environmental education of the Tama River, in which 131 teachers from 63 elementary schools in Tokyo and Kanagawa had participated. We have also created and distributed 1200 sets of “Insect Cards” (Tama River Version) as learning materials for teachers. This fiscal year, we offered a total of 31 seminars and delivery lectures (reference material attached) at various places of the basin with a total of approx. 3529 participants, including children and their parents. These numbers greatly exceed those of the last fiscal year (3098 participants in 24 activities) and we are pleased with this outcome. Currently we are in the process of compiling “Higata no Ikimono Zukan” (The Illustrated Guide to Life on Tidal Flats), as learning materials for teachers, from the data collected over the last year. We hope that the book will be a helpful tool to enhance "Tamagawa Sensei" (The Tama River Teachers). |
共同研究者 Collaborators |
中本 賢 川崎市教育委員・俳優 Ken Nakamoto Member of Kawasaki City Board of Education, Actor |
研究全文 Full Text |
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