No.174 研究課題 / Project
住民の目で見つづけた多摩川の35年The Tama River as observed by residents over 35 years一般研究 General Research |
No.174 |
代表研究者 Principal Investigator |
柴田 隆行 Takayuki Shibata |
所属(採択当時) Affiliation |
多摩川の自然を守る会 代表 Professor in the Faculty of Sociology, Toyo University Representative of the Group for Protecting the Nature of the Tama River |
研究内容要約 Research Summary |
2000~2001年度の助成研究「住民の眼で見つづけた多摩川の30年――蓄積データ解析による自然の変遷と自然観の変化についての研究」の内容を、この間撮り続けた約15000齣の多摩川の写真から解明するのが本研究の目的である。かつて撮った膨大なスライド写真から多摩川の変遷が明らかになる齣を選び、デジタルデータ化し、それを地区毎に分けて総覧することで、多摩川の変遷がリアルに捉えられた。これをさらに代表的な20箇所にまとめて他の資料と合わせて、多摩川の自然が周囲の環境とともに具体的にどのように変化したかがわかった。一言でいえば、河川敷の樹林化であり、このことはすでに多くの研究者・市民から指摘されていることではあるが、過去の写真と見比べるとそれはあまりに真実であった。 This study aimed to explain the development of the Tama River from around 15,000 photographs of the river taken over the years, based on the content of the FY2000 - 2001 subsidized research project “30 years of the Tama River through the eyes of local residents: A study of changes in nature and natural views through an analysis of accumulated data”. We selected frames clearly showing the changes in the Tama River from among the vast number of slide photographs taken previously, converted them into digital images, and then divided them into zones and created a comprehensive list, thereby enabling us to gain a real understanding of changes in the Tama River. We then focused on 20 representative areas and by looking at them in combination with other materials, we were able to gain a concrete understanding of how the nature of the Tama River has changed along with the surrounding environment. To put it succinctly, the river area has seen an increase in tree growth, and although many researchers and citizens have already pointed this out, we were able to ascertain by comparing the situation with past photographs that this was indeed the truth. |
共同研究者 Collaborators |
森田英代、鈴木有子 (多摩川の自然を守る会) Hideyo Morita, Yuko Suzuki (Tamagawa no shizen wo mamoru kai- Tama River Nature Protection Association) |
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