
No.144 研究課題 / Project

「水みちマップ」をつくるための調査研究と井戸にみる多摩市の昔のくらしStudies and Investigations of "The Map of Underground Water in Tama-City” and Old Life of Tama-City with Wells

General Research
Principal Investigator
森岡 淳子
Junko Morioka
Member, Seikatsusha Association
Research Summary

For 6 years, a total of 200 members of normal citizens visited about 80 wells and spring water sites. There, they listened to local residents’ stories, and took measurements and photos. These data were recorded in investigation sheets.

We began this well investigation project in 1996. By that time, Fuchu , Kokubunji and Chofu cities had completed the investigation of wells and the development of maps of underground water. For this reason, we hoped to similarly create a map of underground water for Tama City . We believed that combining all maps from neighboring cities would allow us to have a large map for the entire Tama Hills region.

In December of that year, we organized two activities: “Let's Examine Underground Water” and “Interim Report Meeting of Well Investigation.” However, as we investigated the increasing number of wells, we found it really difficult to trace flows of groundwater in Tama City . Our concern was that it might be impossible to understand the flows of groundwater, because they had been disrupted as a result of megadevelopment in Tama New Town.

We continued to visit all the houses with a well to listen to stories relating to wells from local residents and elderly people. We are now organizing these stories to develop records of old lifestyle in Tama, based on field hearings: this approach may be different from the original purpose.

The Great Hanshin and Awaji Earthquake occurred during the course of this study. As a consequence, people started to pay more attention to obtaining drinkable water in time of disaster?whether existing wells were usable or not.

We started the summarization of data in 2002, which revealed that wells were unevenly distributed in Tama City . Wells were frequently observed in already-existing residential areas, while virtually no wells were found in Tama New Town, an area developed on a large scale, except for a few wells in Yato Region, which did not experience a land readjustment. Though we are not able to provide “a map of underground water,” we would like to produce a small book titled “In search of Wells in Tama City : Lifestyle in the Old Days” in which six years of our research is summarized.

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