
No.322 研究課題 / Project

多摩川流域における放射性物質による影響の推移に係る調査研究と水環境・放射線を共に学ぶ教室の展開Pollution investigation of river water and soil by radioactive substances in the Tama Basin, and development of the classroom where citizens can learn about the water environment and the radiation.

Academic Research
Principal Investigator
吉田 政高
Masataka Yoshida
NPO千葉健康づくり研究ネットワーク 理事
Director, NPO Chiba Health Promotion Research Network
Research Summary






The contents of enforcement

Large quantities of radioactive substances were released into the environment as a result of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant disaster that followed the Great East Japan Earthquake. For this reason; also in the metropolitan area, the radioactive substances were detected in water of the purification plant after the accident. Many people worried about the water. However, surveillance study concerning the influence of the radioactive substances in the Tama River basin is not clarified enough. Therefore in this study, we investigated atmospheric, soil and water pollution in there continuously.

The result of this investigation at present radioactive substances such as cesium 134, cesium 137, and iodine 131, are below the levels of detection in river, spring and drinking water. However, radioactive cesium 134 and cesium 137 were detected in river bed sediment, and river bank soil, and downstream values were slightly higher than upstream values. The concentration of the radioactive cesium is affected by the surrounding environment of the river. These results suggest that riverbank soil, containing radioactive substances, is eroded and transported by heavy rain and the flowing river.

Moreover, we held the classroom to learn water environment and the radiation with ordinary citizens including people of the Tama Basin, utilizing these results of this study.


The effect expected in the future

When the similar accident of the radioactive contamination will occur in the future, in order to grasp the situation, we can utilize the results obtained from our research as a reference for background radiation levels and the contaminated levels. In addition, we can also utilize our results and those from other past study to make the classroom with people worthwhile. That is, we can develop the classroom into the opportunity to learn about radiation, safe drinking water, and other issues connected with ordinary citizens including people of the Tama Basin.

As a future view, if we can teach about a disaster and water environment to young people of the next generation, then, we can prevent from ourselves the great disaster which will certainly occur in the metropolitan area in the future. Moreover, it is necessary to take great interest in the nearby water source which will be important at the time of a great disaster.
石井 正人 千葉大学医学研究院 放射線取扱主任者
喜多 和子 千葉大学医学研究院 講師
伊藤 晴夫 NPO千葉健康づくり研究ネットワーク理事長
佟 暁波  中国承徳医学研究院教授
董 玫   中国河北医科大学 教授

Masato Ishii
Kazuko Kita
Haruo Itou
Xiao-Bo Tong
Mei Dong
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