No.317 研究課題 / Project
多孔性セラミックスと活性炭を用いた非電化フィルターによる多摩川河川水の減菌と飲料化の研究Study on sterilization of the Tama River water and making drinking water by a non- electric filter with porous ceramics and activated carbon学術研究 Academic Research |
No.317 |
代表研究者 Principal Investigator |
今田 千秋 Chiaki Imada |
所属(採択当時) Affiliation |
東京海洋大学大学院 教授 Professor, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology |
研究内容要約 Research Summary |
多摩川の中〜下流域まで6地点の河川水を採取し水質を測定した結果,微生物数と亜硝酸態窒素濃度が高く飲用化は難しいと考えざるを得なかった為、災害時の洗濯・トイレ・風呂等用の水として浴場水の水質を目標とした。大都市部を流れ水量が豊富な多摩水道橋下の河川水を試験水として選択した。まず、採水現場で濾過(1μm)を行い,実験室に持ち帰り,多孔性セラミックス(CR)と粒状活性炭(AC)とを混合した濾材(CR+AC)へ通水実験を行った。CR+ACのみでは目標達成が難しかった為、細菌に損傷を与える方法として,過酸化水素で前処理してCRと銀添着活性炭AC(Ag)の混合物(CR+AC(Ag))で処理した。その結果,一般細菌数,大腸菌検出,亜硝酸態窒素において水道水質基準を満たしたが,従属栄養細菌数が多く飲用には不適であったが,洗濯やトイレ等の雑用水には問題無いと考えられる。また、浴場水質基準にある大腸菌群が検出された為,何らかの方法で大腸菌群を滅菌すれば風呂用水を得ることが可能であると示唆された。また、携帯発電機電源を使用すれば1日当たり約1,000 人分の雑用水を得られる方法を考案した。 The waters of the Tama River were collected from 6 sampling points between the middle and lower reaches, and then the water quality survey was conducted. The results showed that it is difficult to make drinking water with Tama River water due to the high microbial count and high nitrite nitrogen concentrations. Therefore, the present study aimed to achieve the water quality standards for the public bathhouses which can be utilized for laundries, lavatories and bathing in emergency situations of natural disasters. The water was sampled under the Tama-Suido Bridge because the quantity of water is abundant and large cities surround the area. The water samples were collected and then were immediately filtered with yarn winding filter cartridge, and after that the water samples were pumped into the non- electric filter with porous ceramics (CR) and activated carbon (AC). Because CR+AC did not achieve the water standards for bathhouses, the following two methods were additionally examined; (1) CR and silver coated AC (2) hydrogen peroxide. A method (1) combined with a method (2) as pretreatment achieved the quality standards of tap water in standard plate count bacteria, Escherichia coli and nitrite nitrogen, whereas, drinking water quality standard was not achieved due to a large number of heterotrophic bacterium. As a conclusion, we succeeded in optimizing the methods to produce water for approximately 1,000 persons per day for the use of laundry and lavatory, whereas, further improvement to sterilize coliform group is needed for the use of bathing water. |
共同研究者 Collaborators |
寺原 猛 東京海洋大学 助教・分子生物学 鈴木 誠治 東京海洋大学 共同研究員・環境有機化学 Takeshi Terahara Seiji Suzuki |
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