
No.295 研究課題 / Project

多摩川上中流の森林流域における土壌浸透能とその空間分布を考慮した降雨流出予測に関する研究Study on the spatial distribution of infiltration capacity of runoff responses in forested watersheds located in the midstream and upstream of the Tama drainage system

Academic Research
Principal Investigator
五味 高志
Takashi Gomi
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, The Graduate School of Agriculture Master’s Course in International Environment & Agriculture Studies
Research Summary



Due to a shortage in forestry labor and changes in the lumber market, the artificial forests of cedar and cypress trees planted in the forestation period of the 1960s and 1970s in Japan have not been sufficiently thinned out; as a result, many forests have been left unattended and have grown dense. River management shall be carried out targeting not only the downstream area but rather the entire river basin, including the forests in the upstream and midstream areas, their geographical conditions, the vegetation on the forest floor, and its spatial distribution. The aim shall be to manage the river’s water resources and forests, and protect the river’s ecosystems. In particular, to assess the soil/water conservation function and to manage water resources, it is necessary to elucidate how the occurrence of surface runoffs affects the runoff process of the river basin. This study developed a distributed runoff model that takes into account the spatial distribution of soil infiltration capacity in relation to the amount of vegetation coverage on the forest floor. An infiltration test was carried out in the field to obtain quantitative data to understand the spatial distribution characteristics in the basin in relation to the water infiltration process. Based on these data and a spatial distribution map of the vegetation on the forest floor in the river basin, taking into consideration the “spatial distribution” scenario, an analysis of the surface runoff and drainage throughout the basin was conducted. By clarifying and deepening understanding of how floodwater drains in forested watersheds and predicting how forest management can affect the vegetation, changes in the infiltration capacity, and the amount of drainage flow, it became possible to make recommendations to future forest management.

With changes in forestry technology, labor, and the lumber market, existing forest management plans will be converted into long-rotation management and multi-storied forest management. To deal with such changes, assessment of soil/water conservation functions of forests on a watershed scale can be expected to become necessary. While there are few studies on the relationship between thinning and soil erosion, there are almost no studies that assesses the soil/water conservation function of old artificial forests (over 80 years old). In the midst of demand for reassessing the functions of protection forests, in order to assess the soil/water conservation function and multiple other functions of the forests, it is important to undertake research with a new framework, one which looks at the basin as a whole, understands the water runoff process from various scales, and assesses soil/water conservation function, as well as with an understanding of forest function. Clarifying not only each process that occurs on the forested slope—taking into consideration the forest conditions and vegetation on the forest floor—but also the forest zoning and implementation plan (e.g. plan for the allocation of forest roads) that focus on the resource management function and soil conservation function of the watershed, is thought to be one of the methods to link future research on forest management and forest function assessment to technological development.

It can be said that there is improvement in replicating the water flow that reflects the spatial heterogeneity of slope infiltration capacity, by using the method obtained from the result of this study. However, it comes into question how to reflect the spatial heterogeneity with respect to topography, soil coverage, and soil characteristics in the management of forests and rivers in the future. It is possible to apply the same method as the one used in this study to assess the current states and come up with models for these factors. Furthermore, in order to apply the study results in a wide area water drainage model, it is necessary to employ remote sensing using satellites and create databases of the vegetation of the Tama basin, its topography, and water drainage data. The development of the method for this study proved that it is possible to utilize such metadata in river and forest management, develop river management methods, and create models of changes in the river environment.
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