No.264 研究課題 / Project
生態系維持基盤としての流域特性と水循環特性に関する研究―スギ・ヒノキ放置林伐採前後における比較―Comparison study on characteristics of eco-hydrology affected by deforestation in a small basin of artificial cedar and cypress forestry学術研究 Academic Research |
No.264 |
代表研究者 Principal Investigator |
佐倉 保夫 Yasuo Sakura |
所属(採択当時) Affiliation |
千葉大学理学部 教授 Chiba University |
研究内容要約 Research Summary |
本研究は、長期野外調査区を設けて,自然生態系の総合的理解を目指している。時空間ユニットとしては森林流域を考え、水文連続定点観測と流域内の生態要素調査と平行にして実施している。具体的に、あきる野市五日市の上樽沢及び下樽沢地区の森林等において水循環に関する観測施設を設置し、生態系調査と共に、観測を行った。 定点観測としては、渓流流量、林内雨、樹幹流、林外雨量、土壌水分、地下水位の計測を行った。それに基づいて、山間部の水収支計算を行った。一方,土壌採水装置などを利用し、水質調査(雨、渓流、地下水)から流域の物質循環特性を把握した。また、流域内の生態系基盤要素としての地形、土壌、地質調査及び動植物などの時空間分布に関する調査を行った。 2003年度には、2002年度に引き続き、流域一部の森林を伐採し、比較流域を設置し、水収支、物質収支、動植物の時空間変化などから、森林伐採による生態系の変化の兆候を把握した。更には、上述の水文環境変化に伴う植生や小動物など生態系の変化、森林伐採後の植生回復過程などが明らかになる継続研究を実施した。 The purpose of this study is comprehensive understand natural eco-system based on the long-term field observations. Taru-sawa experimental basin in Itsukaichi, Akiruno-shi, Tokyo has been set up for the study. Forested basin is considered as a basic unit where hydrological observations and biological surveying were conducted as the same period. To study the water cycles in the study basin, there were four sites for measuring rainfall, stemflow and throughfall for cedar, cypress and miscellaneous small trees. Along the stream in the study basin, water level gauges were set to calculate flow rates based on change of water levels at V-weirs. Tenstiometers and soil water samplers were set at 13 sites, with 4-5 depths for each, in three slopes for cedar and cypress, miscellaneous small trees as well as deforestation, respectively. In order to measure the chemical compositions of rain, stemflow, throughfall, stream and soil water, water samples were taken once a month. Furthermore, geomorphology, soil and geology condition have been surveyed in the first study year. Seasonal change and spatial distributions of plant and animals also have been surveyed through the whole study period. In 2003, deforestation was conducted in a part of basin where comparing basin had been set up. In order to catch the prelude of the effects of deforestation on the eco-system which is the base for the continuing study, variations of stream flow rates and soil water with depths, changes of chemicals concentrations of rainfall, surface water, soil water and groundwater, as well as the seasonal changes of plants and animals were been measured. With the changes of hydrological conditions and environment, the study was carried out to look into the changes of ecosystem, including the plant and animals during the forestry recovery. |
共同研究者 Collaborators |
新藤 静夫(千葉大学名誉教授)、唐 常源(千葉大学園芸学部教授)、飯田 輝男(東京都環境保全局)大野 正彦(東京都環境科学研究所)、星野 義延(東京農工大学共生科学技術研究院 助教授)樽 良平(地質、化石研究家) Kazuko Kita , Akiko Nagao , Toshikazu Suzuki , Kazuyuki Matsushita , Shigeru Sugaya , Eri Ozaki ( Environmental Biochemistry , Graduate School of Medicine , Chiba University ) |
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