研究課題 / Project
Modeling food-water-energy nexus for evaluating urban agriculture: case study in Tamagawa River
研究課題 / Project
Food web structure and its determinants in litter deposition in the upper reaches of the Tama River
研究課題 / Project
Study on changes of birds population and ecology in the Tama River after the disturbance caused by Typhoon No. 19 in October 2019
研究課題 / Project
Survey for rare bats in the Tama river system
研究課題 / Project
コシアカツバメ(Hirundo daurica)が多摩川河川敷に分散・拡大した動向と現状を通して多摩川中・下流域の環境および都市化と農耕地の変遷を探る
The Hirundo daurica dispersing and expanding movements in the Tamagawa riverbed and the environment, urbanization, and the transition of agricultural land of the middle and lower the Tamagawa through the present state
研究課題 / Project
Investigation of microplastic contamination using fish as a marker in the middle and upper reaches of the Tama River