No.227 研究課題 / Project
埼玉県での多摩川の水利用―野火止用水―Use of Tama River’s Water in Saitama Prefecture—Nobidome Canal一般研究 General Research |
No.227 |
代表研究者 Principal Investigator |
小坂 克信 Katsunobu Kosaka |
所属(採択当時) Affiliation |
産業考古学会理事、水車と臼分科会代表 |
研究内容要約 Research Summary |
野火止用水は、承応4年武蔵野台地上の高台に開発された新田村に給水するた めに開削され、下流の灌漑にも使用された。今回の調査では、資料の制約があるものの野火止用水が飲料水・生活用水、田用水、水車の動力などとして、昭和になり水道の普及や宅地化などにより水利用を止めるまで、江戸時代からどのように利用されてきたのか、明らかにすることができた。また、埼玉県側の資料が入手できたことから、明治8年頃から続く上流(東京都)との水争いを両方の立場から描くことができた。両者の対立は明治41年別樋になるまで続くが、水賦金の高額賦課や村山貯水池による水量減少などの問題には、他の用水組合と協力して取り組んでいる。また、上流との水争いの間、野火止用水組合の中では水配分をめぐる争いや水車設置に関するトラブルなど複雑な動きがあるのがわかった。さらに、今回、用水組合成立以前の管理・維持や組合会の成立過程、その後の活動など、主に明治から大正にかけての働きが明らかになった。 Nobidome Canal was excavated in 1655 to supply water to Nitta Village developed in the hilly area of Musashino Plateau, and was also used for irrigation in the downstream. Our research revealed, with some limitations due to lack of materials, how Nobidome Canal had been utilized to provide water for drinking, household chores, agriculture, and watermills during Edo Period until it stopped being used in the Showa Era with the development of residences and spread of tap water. Since we could obtain materials from the Saitama side of the story, we were able to describe the water conflict between Tokyo (upstream) and Saitama, which started around 1875, from both perspectives. The conflict continued until 1908 when they started to use separate water pipes, but they cooperated with other Water Use Unions to resolve issues of high water charge or decrease in water flow due to village/mountain reservoirs. We also found that during the conflict with Tokyo (upstream), the Nobidome Water Use Union had various complex issues including water distribution and watermill installation. In this research, we came to know the main events that took place from Meiji to Tiasho Era, such as the management/maintenance of the canal before the establishment of the Union, the process of establishment of the Union, and activities thereafter. |
共同研究者 Collaborators |
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