
No.202 研究課題 / Project

多摩川における外来植生などの市民モニタリング調査Volunteer monitoring of exotic vegetations and Kuzu colonies in Tama River floodplain

General Research
Principal Investigator
島田 高廣
Takahiro Shimada
特定非営利活動法人自然環境アカデミー 代表理事
Academy of Natural Environment, Nonprofit Organization
Research Summary



We have been conducting a volunteer monitoring of invasive alien plants in the Tama river system since 2006 where we adopted the length of vegetation patch along the river flow as a simple rating scale in order to assess and record fluctuation of luxuriance of plant communities. The total length of the monitored reach was 75 km; from the river mouth (0 km) until 61.8 km upstream in Tama River, and starting from the junction (0 km) of Tama and Asa Rivers until 13.2 km upstream of Asa River. We targeted three invasive species, namely Sicyos angulatusAmbrosia trifida, and Helianthus tuberosus, and Pueraria lobata, a native liana. The methodological frame in the monitoring was as follow: (i) the study reach was divided into 750 small grids of 200 m along the both banks of the rivers, (ii) five simple rating scales of luxuriance of plant community was set based on the length of vegetation patch along the river flow, (iii) distributions of the target plants were determined using the rating scale, (iv) the luxuriance of plants in each small grid was recorded by the local citizens of respective block marked by administrative boundary, (v) finally, the distribution maps of the target species were drawn using the results of 2006 to 2011.

As a result, fluctuations of the four target plants were revealed by the monitoring. The outcome of this study suggests the use of volunteer monitoring for a widely range survey or monitoring of environmental and ecological systems.
野村 亮(特定非営利活動法人自然環境アカデミー)
内田 哲夫(特定非営利活動法人自然環境アカデミー/埼玉大学理工学研究科)

Ryo Nomura(Academy of Natural Environment, Nonprofit Organization)
Tetsuo Uchida(Academy of Natural Environment, Nonprofit Organization/ Department of Environmental Science and Technology, Saitama University)
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