No.198 研究課題 / Project
多摩川中流域の自然を活用した自然体験学習の支援ならびにその教材づくりSupport for Nature Experience Study Utilizing Nature in the Midstream of the Tama River and Development of Teaching Materials一般研究 General Research |
No.198 |
代表研究者 Principal Investigator |
有馬 佳代子 Kayoko Arima |
所属(採択当時) Affiliation |
ひのどんぐりクラブ(日野市環境学習サポートクラブ) Hino-donguri Club (Hino City Environmental Study Support Club) |
研究内容要約 Research Summary |
今年度,本団体は日野市の小学校・中学校、特別支援学校の児童・生徒・教職員を中心とする住民や企業を対象(延べ約4800人)に,生活科や総合学習の授業や講習会において,多摩川中流域の自然を活用した(「ガサガサ 水生生物の観察」)などの体験学習の支援や多摩川の自然に関する映像の上映会を行った(詳細は後述のHP参照)。また,ホームページ( )を作成し,約20種類の環境学習支援メニューや、活動成果をWeb上で参照できるようにした。さらに,Web教材として自然体験活動の前後で利用するデジタル生き物図鑑「日野の生き物」を開発し,里川の景観とともに約100種の生き物を撮影した季節ごとの映像(各15分)や,生き物ごとに生態解説のナレーションがついた検索機能付きクリップ集(約60種)を作成し,上記の支援活動の事前事後学習に活用した。 本団体の活動は,年々知名度を増し,この数年間は毎年5千人近くの児童やその父兄を対象として活動を行っている。また,小学校の研究授業や公開授業として行われることも多いことから,日野市の環境教育への貢献度は非常に大きく,多摩川近隣の住民,特に未来を引き継ぐ子どもたちに、川やその周辺に生きる生物を愛し、人と自然のよりよい関係を考える心情を育む効果が期待できる。さらに,作成したHPにより,これまで課題であった,支援依頼者(主に小学校教員)への情報提供や,自然体験活動に参加する児童に対する事前学習の環境が整い,今後,より効率的な活動が行えるものと期待できる。質の高い映像や,支援メニューや団体の活動の様子を公開したことは,より広い対象に対して,自然との関わり方や,それをどのように教育に取り入れるかを考える材料を提供する意味でも,啓蒙活動として大きな効果を持つものと期待できる。 This fiscal year, our club supported active learning activities and hosted a screening of images of the Tama River’s nature (see website below for details). They were for citizens and businesses, targeting mainly the students and teachers of the primary schools, middle schools, and special-needs schools in Hino City (a total of approximately 4800 people). The nature in the midstream of the Tama River was used as materials for the classes and formed the basis of lectures of life environmental studies and integrated studies (e.g. observation of aquatic organisms). We created a website ( and offered a support menu on the Internet of about 20 types of environmental studies and showed our activities and their accomplishments. We have also developed a digital pictorial book of living organisms, “Living Organisms of Hino,” as web teaching material to be used before or after the active learning activities. It contains images of about 100 species of living organisms, shown by season together with the scenery of the countryside and river (each 15-minute long), and a collection of clips with narration explaining the ecology of each living organism (about 60 species), all tied together with a search function. We used these materials before or after the abovementioned activities. The activities of our organization have gained in popularity every year; and in the last few years, we had offered activities to nearly five thousand children and their families every year. In addition, since many of our activities were in the form of study classes and open classes at primary schools, we were able to make considerable contributions to the environmental education of Hino City. We hope these activities will cultivate, especially in children who will carry on the work in the future, a love for the living organisms in the river and its surroundings and a mindset to seek better relationships between humans and nature. Furthermore, the creation of the website will enable us to provide information, which had been a challenge until now, to people who seek support (mainly primary school teachers) and to prepare an environment for children to learn prior to participating in these nature experience activities. The website is expected to enhance the efficiency of such activities. From the perspective of providing materials to those who ponder on how to treat nature and how to integrate nature into education, the publication of these high-quality images, support menu, and images of the organization’s activities will help a wide audience and have a tremendous impact as an enlightenment activity. |
共同研究者 Collaborators |
中西 史(東京学芸大学 講師) 杉浦 忠機(日野市環境情報センター) 他ひのどんぐりクラブ会員 Fumi Nakanishi (Lecturer, Tokyo Gakugei University) Tadaki Sugiura (Hino City Environmental Information Center) Other members of the Hino-donguri Club |
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