No.196 研究課題 / Project
第3回多摩川流域市民学会の開催Third Conference of the Citizen Society for Tama Basin Held一般研究 General Research |
No.196 |
代表研究者 Principal Investigator |
長谷川 博之 Hiroyuki Hasegawa |
所属(採択当時) Affiliation |
東京都立日野高等学校 生物科教論 Teacher (Biology), Tokyo Municipal Hino High School |
研究内容要約 Research Summary |
2006年度に、中流域の福生で始まった当学会も、2008年度に、河口域の川崎での第2回を経て、今回第3回目は、源流域の奥多磨町で開催した。初めて、宿泊を伴う2日間の日程で、国民宿舎の鳩の巣荘をベースに実施した。1日目は、2人の記念講演に始まり、6人の一般発表、夜は、スライド映写会を実施した。2日目は、午前中のパネル討論、午後は、3つのコース(小菅地区、日原地区、奥多摩湖周辺)に分かれての野外巡検も行った。1日目の午前に予定していたプレイベントのキノコ識別法講習会は、代表長谷川の急病で中止した。参加者は、1日目が26名、2日目が24名、のべ50名と、これまでの学会に比べると、遠隔地であることや宿泊を伴うということもあって、少なかった。 しかし、内容は、講師陣をみても、充実しており、源流域の自然環境に留まらず、林業や観光の課題、大学との連携、地元自治体の取り組みやボランテイア活動など、源流域の様々な実状や課題が取り上げられ、野外の巡検での体験も含め、盛りだくさんな内容となった。なお、都合で、実行委員に若干の変更があった。 前2回の学会同様、学会に参加された方々は、講師、参加者ともに、こうしたユニークな学会の意味を、いっしょに過ごす時間の中で、感じてくださった。今回は、源流域でも、忘れられがちな奥多摩町での開催をあえて意図し、奥多摩町ならではの自然資源、歴史資源、人材等を、あらためて、市民目線で発掘できたかと思う。日頃、接触しない方々の交流を促し、異分野の方々の情報交流が、今後も期待できる。奥多摩町や京浜河川事務所の後援を得たとはいえ、やや行政機関の協力を得る時間や努力が足りなかったが、大学関係、水産関係、林業関係、観光・自然関係等、幅広い分野の情報交流ができたかと思う。特に、今回、水源林の関係者に重点を置いてお集まりいただいたので、その話題や課題の普及も期待できると思う。 何より、学会の実行委員自らが、準備や運営の過程で、新たな出会いや情報の発掘、新たな体験を通して、今後の源流域と中下流域との交流に、ヒントやきっかけを得ることになった。また、地元の人々にとっても、学会の存在や取り組みを知り、閉塞性や縦割りの活動をうち破るきっかけになっていくと思う。 The Citizen Society convened the first conference in FY 2006 at Fussa in the central basin of the Tama River. The second conference was held in FY 2008 in Kawasaki, at the estuary region. This was the third conference and was held in Okutama Town, at the riverhead area. We held a two-day event for the first time, at the Tokyo Okutama Hatonosu-sou, a people’s hotel operated by the local government. Day 1 started with commemorative speeches by two presenters, followed by six general presentations, and a slide show in the evening. Day 2 had a panel discussion in the morning and field work in the afternoon. The field work was divided into three courses (Kosuge area, Nippara area, and Lake Okutama vicinity). A seminar on how to differentiate different types of mushrooms, scheduled for the morning of Day 1 before the main event, was canceled due to the sudden illness of our Representative Hasegawa. There were a total of 50 participants, with 26 on Day 1 and 24 on Day 2. Due to the distant venue and the necessity of an overnight stay, the attendance was relatively low compared to the past conferences. However, the event was rich in contents, as evidenced by the list of lecturers. The discussion covered various conditions and topics of the riverhead area, including not only its natural environment but also issues about forestry and tourism, collaboration with universities, measures implemented by local governments, volunteer activities, and so on. The field work experience further enriched the event’s contents. There were a few changes in executive committee members as a matter of convenience. Similar to the last two conferences, both the lecturers and participants felt the significance of these unique conferences from the time they spent together. This time, though our interest is in the entire basin, we held the conference at the often forgotten Okutama Town. We feel that we were able to discover anew the natural resources, historical resources, and human resources unique to Okutama Town from the perspective of citizens. We would like to further promote exchanges among people who do not usually have contact with each other and information exchanges among people working in different fields in the future. Although we had the support of Okutama Town and the Keihin Office of River, we might not have devoted enough time and efforts to obtain cooperation of the government agencies. Nevertheless, we were able to exchange information on a wide variety of fields—with people from the universities, fishery, forestry, tourism and nature conservation fields, etc. In particular, since the emphasis of this conference was on people working with forests at the riverhead, the subject matter and related issues can be expected to gain more attention. |
共同研究者 Collaborators |
遠藤 保男(多摩川を飲める水にする会) 佐山 公一(みずとみどり研究会) 御手洗 望(青梅自然誌研究グループ) Yasuo Endou (Group for Making Tama River Water Drinkable) Kouichi Sayama (Water and Greenery Study Group) Nozomu Mitarai (The Study Group of Natural History in Ome City) |
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