
No.191 研究課題 / Project

多摩川における川と地域の交流拠点に関する調査・研究Survey and Study of Exchange Centers for the Tama River and Local Communities

General Research
Principal Investigator
山道 省三
Shozo Yamamichi
特定非営利活動法人多摩センター 代表理事
Representative Director, NPO Tamagawa Center
Research Summary

このような施設は、昭和40 年代(1965~)から、大規模な水害の多発を受けて始まる治水事業を記録、記念するための施設や、自治体の博物館事業と連携する施設、1970 年代以降の親水や川の自然環境保全やレクリエーション等に関する環境情報提供を伴う施設や1994 年に制度化された河川防災ステーションなど、水防、防災施設の一部を自治体と協力し、市民へ解放するスペースの併設といった類のものである。また、1996 年(平成8 年、国土交通省)頃から始まる文部科学省等他省庁との連携による子どもの水辺や水辺の楽校事業や地域交流拠点としての「水辺プラザ」事業(1996~)等、拠点となる建物の建設まではいかなくとも船着場や親水施設整備が行われている。

このような動きを受け、多摩川においても「パートナーシップではじめる<いい川>づくり」提言(建設省京浜工事事務所(当時),1996 年)による流域交流拠点の提案、TAMA らいふ21 事業(東京都,1993 年)による多摩川部会の提案と市民による多摩川センターの設立(1994~)、河川法改正(1997 年)にもとづく河川整備計画における多摩川流域リバーミュージアム構想(国土交通省京浜河川事務所,1998 年)による情報センター計画等があった。



Many resource centers, museums, historical museums, information centers with popular nicknames, and service centers for facilitating river recreational activities have been built by river management authorities and municipal governments along the water front throughout Japan.

They include facilities for recording or commemorating river improvement projects launched after 1965 in response to frequent occurrences of large-scale flooding; facilities operated in collaboration with the museum programs of local governments; facilities built since the 1970s for providing environmental information on water activities, conservation of the river’s natural environment, and recreation; and river disaster prevention stations that were systematized in 1994. Most of these facilities utilize part of the flood prevention or disaster prevention facilities provided by local governments as public spaces for citizens. Even though no buildings were constructed, docks and water recreational facilities were developed, including the “Water Front Plaza” project (1996~). The project was started around 1996 by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism in conjunction with other ministries and agencies, such as the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, to establish centers for children’s waterfront activities, the Riverside Fun School project, and local exchanges.

In response to these activities, various efforts took place around the Tama River, including a proposal for a basin exchange center put forth in the “Building a Good River through Partnerships” (former Keihin Office of Construction, Ministry of Construction, 1996), Tama River Center (1994~) established by citizens with a proposal from the Tama River chapter of the TAMA Life 21 Project (Tokyo Metropolitan Government, 1993), and an information center in the Tamagawa River and Basin Museum Plan (Keihin Office of River, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, 1998) in the river development plan based on the revised River Act (1997).

As part of the Tamagawa River and Basin Museum Plan, the Tamagawa Ecomuseum was opened in 1999 as a full water front service information satellite jointly operated by the national government and the City of Kawasaki.

This study surveyed the operation of these national river management facilities and facilities operated by local governments and private organizations to facilitate exchanges between the river and local communities by providing river information and carrying out outreach activities, such as disaster prevention, awareness enhancement about the environment, etc. The study of these exchange centers was carried out with the objective of contributing to future river management, disaster prevention, and environmental learning.
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