No.180 研究課題 / Project
地域の食生活を支えた水車の技術-野川を中心に-Waterwheels: Supporting the Dietary Habits of Residents Along the NogawaRiver一般研究 General Research |
No.180 |
代表研究者 Principal Investigator |
小坂 克信 Katsunobu Kosaka |
所属(採択当時) Affiliation |
八王子市立第八小学校 教諭 Teacher at Hino Municipal Fourth Elementary School |
研究内容要約 Research Summary |
かつて東京都には水車が多数存在したが、ほぼ完全な状態で残っているのは三鷹市大沢の新車だけで、杵と搗き臼、挽き臼、やっこ篩、昇降機などが保存されている。ここでは水という自然エネルギーを利用するため水輪は木目を生かして組み合わせ、各部品の継続的な使用による摩耗部は交換可能にし、その向きを変えて使用したり再利用したりできるようにしている。このように、木の特長を生かした木工技術がよく伝えられている。 また、水車では穀類の精白・製粉を行い、地域の食生活を支えてきた。今回の調査では、昭和8年の水車の活動は農作業や地域の年中行事の食事と深い関係があることがわかった。また、水車に押し麦機が導入されることで、押し麦が地域に普及している。特に、昭和8年は割り麦と米が7対3の割合であったが、昭和18年には押し麦と米が1対1の割合で、地域の食生活の変化が明らかになった。 さらに、野川とその支流を利用した水車は21台あり、各水車の位置や水輪の大きさ、臼数などその概略についても調査した。 Long ago, waterwheels were common in the Tokyo area. Today, only one remains in almost perfect condition with its pestles and mortars, millstones, sieves, and lifts still intact, and it is located in the Osawa area of Mitaka City. The wheel assembly is constructed of wood components that can be easily replaced once they become worn to enable continued use, and the properties of the wood grain make the components stronger when water is absorbed. It is a marvelous example of woodworking technology. Waterwheels played a supporting role in the dietary habits of local residents, and were used to polish and mill rice and grains. During the course of conducting my research, I discovered that waterwheels in 1933 were commonly used in farming and in the preparation of annual festival foods. Furthermore, pressed barley became widely available in local communities once barley rollers were installed on the waterwheels. In 1933, the rice-to-ground-barley consumption ratio was 7:3; in 1943, the rice-to-pressed-barley consumption ratio was 1:1. This data clearly indicates a change in dietary habits brought about by use of the waterwheel. Twenty-one waterwheels were built along the Nogawa River and its tributaries. My research also included the locations of those waterwheels, their wheel sizes, and the number of mortars used. |
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