
No.175 研究課題 / Project

みんなでつくる水循環市民プランThe citizens’ plan for water circulation with participation by all residents

General Research
Principal Investigator
佐藤 節子
Setsuko Sato
Officer of the NPO Kunitachi Municipal Group for Animal Survey (Representative of Kunitachi Residents’ Survey Group for Water)
Research Summary

When Kunitachi City was formulating its Basic Plan on Water Circulation, we local residents approached many other local citizens to conduct surveys on the current situation, with a view to ensuring that the plan was practicable. Moreover, through our wide-ranging survey activities, we aimed to increase the interest of local citizens with regard to water. Accordingly, making use of the geographical characteristics of Kunitachi City, we conducted three surveys, about springs and water supplies, wells, and an interview-style survey about water in the past. We studied the water quality, the presence or absence of aquatic life, and changes therein, as well as studying the water quality of wells designated by the city for use in disaster prevention, the year in which those wells were excavated, and their usage situation. Moreover, when interviewing local elders about lifestyles in the past, information emerged about the difficulties of an age when those living near the Tama River were dependent on natural water sources such as wells and the river, and ways that they devised to overcome those difficulties. We incorporated a survey in which children could participate into the school pool organism survey (dragonfly larva rescue operation) conducted by local elementary schools each year, and organized a Tama River Expedition for parents and children, in order for them to get to know the Tama River better. As a result, people developed a renewed awareness of how important an asset water is, and this led to proposals for local development initiatives.
赤川健一、笠間信也、金田 一、金田優子、澤田紘子、高山俊昭、谷口淳一、野村正福、丸本 大、矢野きく子、山本修太 (くにたち水の市民調査会)

Ken’ichi Akagawa, Shin’ya Kasama, Hajime Kaneda, Yuko Kaneda, Hiroko Sawada, Toshiaki Takayama, Jun’ichi Taniguchi, Masafuku Nomura, Dai Marumoto, Kikuko Yano, Shuta Yamamoto (Kunitachi Citizens’ Water Survey Group)
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