
No.173 研究課題 / Project

多摩川流域の考古学的遺跡の成立と古環境復元Development of Archaeological Sites in the Tama River Basin and Restoration of Paleoenvironment

General Research
Principal Investigator
比田井 民子
Tamiko Hidai
(財)東京都スポーツ文化事業団東京都埋蔵文化財センター 係長
Assistant Manager, Tokyo Municipal Archaeological Research Center
Research Summary
8月には首都大学東京で開催された第四紀学会ポスターセッションにおいて「武蔵野台地における後期旧石器時代遺跡立地―Geo-Archaeologyの視点」を研究発表した  今年度、昨年度の成果のまとめとして1月には調布市文化会館で「多摩川流域の考古学的遺跡の成立と古環境復元シンポジウム」を開催し、成果発表を行った。約80名の参加があった。

We summarized and analyzed geographical/geological, geochronometric and tephra-analytical data on buried cultural properties on the Musashino Plateau collected through the monthly researches in report forms for and compared them with the artifacts discovered at each archaeological site.
We gave a panel presentation titled “Stratigraphical Research II on Upper Paleolithic Remains on Musashino Plateau?Volcanic Fallouts and Paleolithic Occupation Layers” at the poster session of the Japan Association for Paleolithic Research held in June 2006 at the Saitama Prefectural Museum of History and Folklore. This research investigated olivine and volcanic glass content in Tachikawa Loam Formation, using data obtained at each archaeological site on the Musashino Plateau, in order to understand the relationship between olivine/volcanic glass content and the discovery of artifacts, and to compare the regional differences.

We gave another panel presentation titled “The Location of Upper Paleolithic Remains on Musashino Plateau?from Geo-Archaeological Viewpoint” at the poster session of the Japan Association for Quaternary Research held in August at Tokyo Metropolitan University
We held the “Symposium for Formation of Archaeological Sites in Tama River Basins and Restoration of Ancient Environment” in January at the Chofu Municipal Cultural Center and presented summaries of our researches conducted last year and this year. About 80 people attended the symposium.
伊藤 健((財)東京都スポーツ文化事業団東京都埋蔵文化財センター)、西井幸雄((財)埼玉県埋蔵文化財事業団)、野口 淳・平井義敏(明治大学校地内遺跡調査団)、辻本崇夫(㈱パリノ・サーヴェイ)

Ken Ito (Tokyo Metropolitan Archaeology Center ), Yokio Nishi (Saitama Cultural Deposit Corporation ,Atsushi Nogychi, Yoshitoshi Hira(Meiji University Site research Commission),Takao Tsujimoto(Palinode Survey Company)
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