No.172 研究課題 / Project
多摩川における河川氾濫と下流域農村に関する歴史人口学的分析―平川家文書からみた荏原郡・六郷領・下九子村Historical Demographical Research on Effects of Floods on Agricultural Villages in the Lower Basin of the Tama River in Early-Modern Times: Analysis of Shimomaruko Village, Rokugo Region, Ebara County, based on Hiragawa’s Documents一般研究 General Research |
No.172 |
代表研究者 Principal Investigator |
林 和光 Kazumitsu Hayashi |
所属(採択当時) Affiliation |
(財)道路交通情報通信システムセンター 企画事業部 次長 Deputy General Manager, Vehicle Information and Communication System Center |
研究内容要約 Research Summary |
近世期の荏原郡・六郷領・下丸子村について、同村の名主であった平川家に遺された「平川家文書」に収録された文献資料を一次資料として使用し、多摩川河川氾濫による耕地の失地等と経済状況との因果関係を定量化し、それらが世帯構造や婚姻年齢や出生率・死亡率の変化等の人口学的指標に与えた効果を評価した。その耕地面積は、田方・畑方共に享保期には大きく増加したものの、徳川時代を通じてほぼ横ばい状態であった。 一方、享保期以降の耕地開発は、損粍した耕地面積を補完したにすぎず、水害で損失した損地・荒地と河川敷の開拓や荒地の再開発というマッチポンプの関係にあった。この間、多摩川の河川氾濫は頻発したが直接的に人ロ減少させることはなく、むしろ大水害時や凶作・飢儀・疫病等による短期的な人口欠損の方が人口を直接的に減少させた。このように天明期までは村内での世帯形成が難しく、村内での結婚と出生率の上昇には至らなかったが、天明期を境に畑作地の水損率が劇的に改善され、その拡大した畑作地での商品作物販売を通じた「市場経済」へ積極的な接触は、耕作と副業の双方の収入最大化がもたらされ人口成長が発動する。「土地経済」を所得の中核に、「市場経済」からの利益獲得を行う世帯行動の変化は、村外への人口の流出をとめ、結婚性向と結婚率を上昇させ、世帯数の増加と出産率の向上に帰結した。 This study focuses on the modern history of Shimomaruko Village (Rokugoryo Fief, Ebara County [today’s Ota Ward, Tokyo]), using as primary reference material the Document of the Hirakawa Faimily, which has been handed down in the Hirakawa family, or the then headman of the village. We quantified the causal relationship between the local economy and the loss of agricultural lands due to inundations in the Tama River, and evaluated its effects on demographic variables such as changes in household composition, the age at which people got married, and birth and mortality rates. While paddy and upland fields expanded significantly during the Kyoho era (1716-1736), the total area of the agricultural lands stayed almost the same throughout the Edo period (1603-1867). Land cultivation during and after the Kyoho era was only for the purpose of making up for the loss of agricultural lands due to inundations. It was a vicious cycle of water damages to agricultural lands and the cultivation of riverbeds or the redevelopment of damaged lands. The direct cause of population decline was not the frequent inundations in the Tama River but the temporary losses of population during inundations or the poor harvests, famines and plagues. This discouraged the village people from making new families, resulting in stagnant marriage and birth rates until the Tenmei era (1781-1788) when flood damages to agricultural lands decreased dramatically. People started to participate in a market economy by selling field crops harvested from the expanded fields. People earned better income from farming and selling crops, and this induced a population growth. Two sources of incomes?primarily from a land economy and secondarily from a market economy?helped the population outflow to bottom out, contributing to the development of a marriage-oriented society and increase in the marriage rate, raising the number of households and births. |
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