No.161 研究課題 / Project
多摩川源流地域における狩猟文化史に関する研究Research on the history of hunting culture in the headwater basins of the Tama River一般研究 General Research |
No.161 |
代表研究者 Principal Investigator |
井村 礼恵 Hiroe Imura |
所属(採択当時) Affiliation |
東京農工大学 連合大学院 博士課程 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology,United Graduate School |
研究内容要約 Research Summary |
多摩川源流地域の小菅村を中心として狩猟文化史を調査した。調査期間は平成16年4月から平成17年3月までである。小菅村猟友会会員を中心とした村民に聞き取り調査を主として行い、参与観察も行った。調査内容としては、狩猟に関わる文化史であり、獣害の状況、狩猟の方法・手順、獲物の生態、ワナ、猟銃、獲物の利用の仕方等の項目にそって調査を行った。特に、獲物の利用について、解体方法、調理方法は写真により記録を写真撮影による記録も行った。狩猟の目的が、全国的な傾向と同じく高度経済成長期以前と以後で変化をしている。以前は現金収入を得ることと、食糧難中の貴重なたんぱく源としての食肉を得ることを目的としており、現在は有害駆除を主たる目的としている。 The history of water utilization and distribution from the Tamagawa-Josui Canal and its branch canals indicates that the balance of water distribution has always changed depending on the constant emergence of new water utilization (water demand). More specifically, water started to be supplied to newly developed paddy fields (Shinden-mura) from the Tamagawa-Josui Canal, which was originally constructed to satisfy water demand that grew along with the population increase in Edo City. Water supplied to these paddy fields was originally used for drinking and domestic water, as well as for agricultural water, but subsequently used for waterwheels. Between the end of the Edo period and the Meiji period, some projects were carried out to secure navigation pass as well as water supply to the center of Tokyo. For example, branch canals were connected by return streams or united at their terminals. These projects affected conventional water utilization. In addition, there was the constant emergence of new water demand, including demand for modern water supply systems and demand for water to supply governmental projects for military preparations and industrial promotion. Conventional water utilization underwent changes to meet each newly emerging water demand. At times, some people were forced to suffer water shortage by people in powerful positions. As was the case in Sekizen-shinden (now Musashino City), new water utilization made people give up waterwheels. In a conflict between a branch canal for a navy powder magazine and the Meguro Branch Canal, people concerned with water utilization and administrators of water utilization held discussions many times to seek for a solution to water shortage in lower basins. New suggestions from different sides often generated conflicts of interest, but they compromised with each other to reach agreement. |
共同研究者 Collaborators |
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