No.156 研究課題 / Project
多摩川源流部の沢・尾根・淵・滝・小字等の地名と由来に関する調査研究ー奥多摩編ーResearch to identify the names and origins of ravines, ridges, deep pools, falls, and municipal subdistricts in the headwater basin of the Tama River一般研究 General Research |
No.156 |
代表研究者 Principal Investigator |
中村 文明 Bunmei Nakamura |
所属(採択当時) Affiliation |
多摩川源流研究所 所長 Director of Research Institute for the Tama River Head |
研究内容要約 Research Summary |
この調査は、多摩川源流域の奥多摩町の山や渓谷を歩くことから始められた。日原川とその支流のーつーつを丹念に実踏調査した。最上流部の大雲取谷から小雲取谷、長沢谷、唐松谷、巳の戸谷、孫祖谷、小川谷、倉沢谷、川苔谷に足を踏み入れていく。実踏調査と並行して地元の地区精通者へのヒヤリングを開始した。奥多摩一の釣り名人である山崎進さんに出会えたことは大きな励みであり収穫であった。山崎さんは高齢にもかかわらず、日原周辺の地形を知り尽くしておられ、各地に広がる淵や滝などを克明に記憶されていた。倉沢谷では坂和連さんから詳しい由来を聞くことができた。ヒヤリングしては実踏調査を繰り返し、ヒヤリングで現場のことを確認する日々 が続いた。奥多摩町は、面積が広い上に山々 や渓谷は急峻で実踏調査は、困難を極めたが、多くの方々 の支援と協力で源流域の淵や滝の名称の確定と由来の聞き取りをやり遂げて、多摩川源流絵図奥多摩版を完成させることが出来た。 This survey began with walking in and around the mountains and valleys in Okutama Town, located in the headwater basin of the Tama River. Careful field surveys were carried out for the Nippara River and its tributaries, up from the Okumotori-dani (ravine), the uppermost stream, down to the Kokumotori-dani (ravine), the Nagasawa-dani (ravine), the Karamatsu-dani (ravine), the Minoto-dani (ravine), the Magoso-dani (ravine), the Ogawa-dani (ravine), the Kurasawa-dani (ravine), and the Kawagoke-dani (ravine). In parallel with these field surveys, we started field hearings with those familiar with local information. We were encouraged by our meeting with Mr. Susumu Yamazaki, the greatest sport fisherman in the Okutama area, who provided beneficial information. Despite his advanced age, Mr. Yamazaki was thoroughly familiar with the topographical features in and around the Nippara area and had detailed knowledge of the deep pools and falls scattered across the area. Mr. Haruji Sakawa provided us with detailed information about the origins of the Kurasawa-dani (ravine). We continued the cycle of field hearings and field surveys, conducting field surveys to confirm information obtained through hearings. Actually, field surveys were extremely difficult to carry out because Okutama is a large town with steep mountains and valleys. Thanks to the support and cooperation of many people, however, we managed to identify deep pools and falls in the headwater basin and to gather information about their origins. Based on these data, we created the Tama River Head Map for the Okutama Area. |
共同研究者 Collaborators |
石川重人(多摩川源流観察会副会長) |
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