
No.151 研究課題 / Project

多摩川二ヶ領用水から取水した水田における稲の生育に関する生理生態学的研究Physiological and ecological research on growth of the rice (Oryza sativa L.) in the paddy field near Tama River

General Research
Principal Investigator
安藤 秀俊
Hidetoshi Andoh
teacher, Kawasaki Municipal Nakanoshima Junior High School
Research Summary

This research was undertaken on the following two themes. The first theme was research of water quality, soil and other environmental elements of Nikaryo Irrigation near Tama River, which is a fountainhead of paddy fields, as research of paddy field environment. In the research of water quality, pH (hydrogen ion concentration), COD (chemical oxygen demand), EC (electrical conductivity) and ion concentrations of ammonium ions, nitric ions, phosphate ions and other ions were periodically sampled and measured from May to September at intervals ranging from two weeks to one month. The research showed that pH and EC were almost constant throughout the research period. However, COD tended to increase slightly in July and August. Significant variations could not be observed in concentrations of various kinds of ions throughout the research period.
A paddy field near Nakanoshima Junior High School was borrowed to cultivate rice as an experiment in a cultivated land. The growth was studied between rice transplantation in May and harvest at the end of September. “Nipponbare,” a standard rice species in Japan, was planted. As the research items of the growth research, the rice plant height, number of leaves grown, number of shootings, chlorophyll index and other basic data, as well as relative chlorophyll quantity by a chlorophyll meter, were periodically measured by sampling. The relative illuminances of the communities were measured three times; in June, July and August. The results show that almost identical results as those of standard cultivation could be obtained throughout Japan, indicating that a paddy field irrigated with water supplied by the Nikaryo Irrigation in an urban area would be able to grow paddy rice comparable to other paddy fields.
小葉田亨(島根大学 生物資源科学部 教授)

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