No.139 研究課題 / Project
多摩川源流部の淵・滝・沢・尾根等の地名とその由来に関する調査研究Investigation to study the place name and origin of the source in Tama River area -Kosuge area-一般研究 General Research |
No.139 |
代表研究者 Principal Investigator |
中村 文明 Bunmei Nakamura |
所属(採択当時) Affiliation |
多摩川源流研究所 所長 Representative, Tamagawa Source Observation Society |
研究内容要約 Research Summary |
2000年3月から、「多摩川源流絵図」(小管版)を作成するため、調査活動を開始した。この活勤は、中村所長を中心に、小菅村の広瀬村長、古家助役、佐藤小菅村総務課主幹・源流研究所事務局長をはじめ小菅村教育委員会の降失教育長、加藤教育課長など小菅村役場の全面的な協力・援助のもと、村の高齢者学級の積極的な協カを得て進められてきた。また、源流域の実踏調査には、多摩川源流観察会、地元猟友会の会員、小菅村役場の職員の積極的な協力が図られてきた。その後、小菅川の源頭まで幾度も踏査し、酒井巌さんなど地元の長老の方に一緒に現場を確認していただいたこともしばしばあった。また、小菅村の8地区に関しては、白沢の奥秋信俊さん、奥秋忠俊さん、橋立の木下三吉さん、木下清さん、小永田の船木常男さん、田元の亀井常成さん、東部の加藤亀吉さん、加藤信休さん、横瀬健さん、川池の小泉春好さん、中組の船木四郎さん、田中利数さん、長作の守重洋作さんなど多くの方々から小字の由来など貴重な話を開き取り、調査報告書をまとめ、その成果を絵図に落とし「源流絵図」小菅版を完成させていった。 We began investigation surveys starting around March 2000 in order to develop a “Picture Map for the Tama River Head” ( Kosuge Village version). This study was backed up by full support from the Kosuge Village Office: Director Nakamura of Research Institute for the Tama River Head, Headman Hirose of Kosuge Village, Headman’s Assistant Furuya, Chief Sato of the General Affairs of Kosuge Village as well as of the Secretary General of Research Institute for the Tama River Head, and members of the Municipal Board of Education, such as Director Furuya and Manager Kato of Education Department; and by positive support from adult education classes for the elderly. Also, field surveys for the Tama River head were supported actively by the Tama River Head Observation Group, a local hunter, and the Kosuge Village Office staff. We frequently surveyed the head of the Kosuge River , sometimes accompanied by local wise old people, such as Mr. Iwao Sakai. Regarding the origin of the names of eight subsections in the Village, we obtained precious information from the following people: Mr. Nobutoshi Okuaki and Mr. Tadatoshi Okuaki in Shirasawa District; Mr. Sankichi Kinoshita and Mr. Kiyosi Kinoshita in Hashitate District; Mr. Tsuneo Funaki in Konagata District; Mr. Tsunenari Kamei in Tamoto District; Mr. Kamekichi Kato, Mr. Nobuyasu Kato and Mr. Ken Yokose in Toubu District; Mr. Haruyoshi Koizumi in Kawaike District; Mr. Shiro Funaki and Mr. Toshikazu Tanaka in Nakagumi District; and Mr. Yohsaku Morishige in Nagasaku District. We summarized the obtained information, which was then reflected in the Map. In these ways, we finalized and completed the “Picture Map for the Tama River Head (Kosuge Village Version)”. |
共同研究者 Collaborators |
石川重人・飯島 泉・雨宮清貴・酒井祐二 |
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