No.137 研究課題 / Project
地質野外実習地としての多摩川中流域および狭山丘陵に分布する上総層群の露頭の現状とそれに基づく教材開発Development of teaching materials for field work in school education and public education based on the Pleistocene Kazusa Group along the Tama River and the Sayama Hill.一般研究 General Research |
No.137 |
代表研究者 Principal Investigator |
馬場 勝良 Katsuyoshi Baba |
所属(採択当時) Affiliation |
慶応義塾幼稚舎教諭 Teacher, Keio Yochisha Elementary School |
研究内容要約 Research Summary |
東京都南部を流れる多摩川中流とその支流域および狭山丘陵地域には,第四紀更新統の上総層群が露出する。そこは、露頭の人工的な改変が少なく、露出状態が良好に保たれていることや平坦地であるため多くの児童・生徒を引率できるなど利点があり、地質野外観察の場所として注目されている。 多摩川中流域と狭山丘陵地域の露出状態を調査し、その結果に基づいて地 質野外実習の教材を開発した。 The Kazusa Group, which was formed in the Pleistocene Epoch of the Quaternary Period, crops out in the middle reaches of the Tama River , which runs through southern Tokyo, and in its tributaries, as well as in Sayama Hill. Strata outcrops of Kazusa Group remain virtually intact and well preserved, and also lie in a flat land. These conditions allow teachers to readily take students to strata outcrops, and are regarded as suitable for geological field activities. We examined the state of outcrops in the middle reaches of the Tama River and in Sayama Hill, and we developed educational materials for geological field activities based on the obtained results. |
共同研究者 Collaborators |
松川正樹・大久保敦・林慶一・青野宏美・藤井英一・宮下治・相場博明 ・坪内秀樹・小荒井千人・三次徳二・前田由紀 |
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