No.113 研究課題 / Project
条里遺構の分布を手掛かりとする多摩川流域の古代における水田景観の研究Study of landscape of Jori paddy fields in ancient times over Tama River basin一般研究 General Research |
No.113 |
代表研究者 Principal Investigator |
菅野 雪雄 Yukio Sugano |
所属(採択当時) Affiliation |
武蔵野文化協会会員 Member, Musashino Culture Association |
研究内容要約 Research Summary |
羽村、八王子下流の多摩川・淺川低地と品川区・太田区および横浜市鶴見川中下流低地内各地に古代からの水田開発の証拠とも見なせる条里水田遺構の存在を明らかにした。 特に典型的地域、溝の口から木月に至る平野全般である。その他、目黒川大崎周辺、鶴見川駒岡と新羽に存在、多摩川上流では調布、府中、稲城、多摩・日野地域に明瞭である。 東国は古代から開発が進んでいた。残存が少ないのは洪水の破壊が主因と推定される。 条里水田の灌漑用水としてニケ領用水系根方用水、川辺用水が中世以前、古代から存在した事を確かめた。 Remains of jori paddy fields (paddy fields compartmentalized into square blocks) were found in lowlands on the lower Tama and Asagawa rivers downstream of Hamura and Hachioji cities, including Shinagawa and Ota wards, and in lowlands on the middle and lower Tsurumi River in Yokohama City . Remains of jori paddy fields can be regarded as evidence of the development of rice cultivation. The remains were obvious especially in the plain between Mizonokuchi and Kizuki regions. They were also found in other areas: the Ohsaki Region on the Meguro River, Komaoka and Nippa regions on the Tsurumi River, as well as Chofu, Fuchu, Inagi and Tama/Hino regions on the upper Tama River. Although there were many flourishing agricultural regions in eastern Japan , only a few traces have been found. It may be because these regions were destroyed by floods. It was revealed that Nekata Yosui and Kawabe Yosui canals of Nikaryo Yosui Canal System, which were utilized for the irrigation of jori paddy fields, were established before the Middle Ages?in Ancient Times. |
共同研究者 Collaborators |
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