No.106 研究課題 / Project
魚の病気と水質データに見る平井川の汚染Water Pollution of Hirai River based on the Fish Diseases and the Water Quality Data一般研究 General Research |
No.106 |
代表研究者 Principal Investigator |
布谷 和代 Kazuyo Nunoya |
所属(採択当時) Affiliation |
みずすましの会会員 Member, Whirligig Beetle Society |
研究内容要約 Research Summary |
平成4年の春に谷戸沢処分場の汚水漏れが発覚すると、「背曲り魚」が釣れる、と言われ出した。「背曲り魚」の実態を把握するために魚の採集調査を行い、行政機関の実施した水質測定のデータをもとに、平井川の水質汚染の現状の理解を試みた。 魚の採集は平成6年10月、「さかな園付近」、「林業試験所前」、「於奈渕堰下」およぴ「東平井橋」の4地点で、206尾を捕獲したが、「背曲り魚」は認められなかった。 平井川の中流域は水質汚濁が進んでおり、今回の調査で「背曲り魚」が採取されなかったことが過去に遡ってその存在を否定するものではない。解剖検査で、「林業試験所前」より下流の魚に「黄脂症」が見られたが、原因物質の特定は行わなかった。 水質測定データから、中流域の日の出町内で汚染が進行していることが分かった。支流では「谷戸川」と「氷沢川」の水質汚染が著しかった。加えて、「谷戸川」上流の谷戸沢廃棄物処分場の現状と課題について述べた。 It was revealed in the spring of 1992 that polluted water had leaked from Yatozawa Landfill. Since then, fish with bent backbones have often been captured. We collected fish in order to understand the status of such fish. Also, we discussed the degree of water pollution of the Hirai River , based on data from the water quality assessment carried out by administrative agencies. A total of 206 fish were collected in October 1994 at four sites: around Sakana-en, in front of Forestry Research Institute, under Onabuchi Weir, and at Higashi Hirai Bridge . No fist with bent backbones were found. This result does not necessarily deny the existence of such deformed fish in the past, given that the middle reaches of the Hirai River are considerably polluted. According to anatomical examination, yellow-fat disease was found in some fish caught downstream of a collection site in front of the Forestry Research Institute, but the causal substance was not identified. Water quality assessment indicated that the Hirai River is considerably polluted in the Hinodecho District in the middle reaches of the River. As to its tributaries, the Yato and Hizawa rivers are severely polluted. In this report, we discussed the situation and the problems of the Yatozawa Landfill in the upper Yato River . |
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