No.095 研究課題 / Project
伊奈石の採石・加工と多摩川流域の流通についての研究Study of stone cutting and processing of Ina-stones.一般研究 General Research |
No.095 |
代表研究者 Principal Investigator |
十菱 駿武 Shunbu Jubishi |
所属(採択当時) Affiliation |
山梨学院大学考古学研究室教授 Professor, Archaeology Laboratory, Yamanashi Gakuin University |
研究内容要約 Research Summary |
伊奈石は五日市町伊奈、横沢に産出した砂岩である。横沢の天竺山中に石切り場があることは知られており、民俗学や文献史学、美術史的な伊奈石板碑や伊奈臼の研究は発表されたきたが、石切り場遺跡の調査はされず、石切り場と流通関係の総合調査は皆無であった。 横沢入地区の環境保護活動の一環として、横沢入周辺の伊奈石石切り場遺跡の分布、測量調査と伊奈石の地層、地質の調査、伊奈石に関する古文書、民俗学文献調査を行い、横沢入、平井、三内、高尾、網代に、竪坑や露天掘り、テラス、古道などの多数の遺構があり、石臼未製品、五輪塔未製品、矢穴石、ズリ(屑石)がたすうはっけんできた。 江戸時代に横沢、伊奈にいた石工は信州伊那と関係が深いことも古文書文献から証拠づけることができた。あわせて秋留台地、多摩川流域での伊奈石石造物の流通分布調査を行い、伊奈石流通圏を明らかにした。 伊奈石製の板碑、道標、石橋、墓石など石造物は中世南北朝時代から近世江戸時代後期にかけて、秋川流域から南武蔵に流通したことが明確になった。 Ina Stone is sandstone that is mined in the Ina and Yokosawa districts of Itsukaichi Town ( Akiruno City of today). It is known that there is a quarry in Mt. Tenjiku in Yokosawa District. Ina Stone has been studied from the viewpoint of folklore and based on documents. Also, historical grave tablets and stone mills made of Ina Stone have been well studied. However, quarry remains have seldom been investigated, and virtually no comprehensive studies have been carried out on the relationship between quarries and the market. As environmental preservation activities for the Yokosawairi District, we carried out the following research projects: distribution surveys and measurement studies on Ina Stone quarry remains; strata investigation and topographic survey; and examination of historical and folkloric documents. These studies revealed that in the Yokosawairi, Hirai, Sannai, Takao and Ajiro districts, there are many ancient archaeological constructions, such as vertical shafts, open-pit mining, terrace mining, old gallery. Also, the following were found in large numbers/amount: incomplete stone mills and Gorintos (five-element stone pagoda), stone wedges, and debris/refuse. The examination of historical documents proved that stone masons who were in Yokosawa and Ina regions during the Edo period had close associations with the Ina region in Shinsyu. We also examined and clarified the distribution of Ina Stone products in the Akiru Plateau Tama River basin . It was revealed that, from the Northern and Southern Dynasties (Middle Ages) to the late Edo period (Modern Ages), Ina Stone products, such as grave tablets, guide posts, stone bridges and tombstones, were distributed in the area covering the Akigawa River basin and Minami Musashino region. |
共同研究者 Collaborators |
樽 良平、石井道郎、唐沢慶行、船田雅男、宮下 力、中村清作、内山孝男 |
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