No.079 研究課題 / Project
多摩川にやさしいライフスタイルの研究Study of Environmentally Sound Life Style towards Tama River Conservation.一般研究 General Research |
No.079 |
代表研究者 Principal Investigator |
鈴木 敬子 大和田 順子 Keiko Suzuki, Junko Owada |
所属(採択当時) Affiliation |
日本ヒーブ協議会 Ecoling Forum Representative, Japan Association for HEIB and Consumer Affairs Professionals in Business |
研究内容要約 Research Summary |
“生活雑排水”は多摩川の汚染をもたらしている大きな原因のひとつである。この負荷を減らす手がかりを得るために、暮らしと水の関わりを意識と行動の両面からアンケート調査によって探った。飲み水については味の実感を尋ねるとともに簡易測定を、排水については調理、洗濯など生活場面ごとの行動実態を、親水については川にでかける頻度や関わり方を尋ねた。 その結果、30・40歳代主婦は、飲み水はまずいし安全性が不安だが生活雑排水にはあまり関心がない、商品購入の基準として環境への配慮をあげるひとが二割存在することが明かになった。 地域別では羽村は多摩川は庭の延長、世田谷は浪費型の生活が浸透、川崎は河川敷で楽しむ特徴があった。 全体を通じて都市や街の形成と居住者の環境マインドや環境に配慮したライフスタイルには何らかの因果関係があるという 仮説が浮かび上がった。 Domestic waste water is a major cause of the pollution of the Tama River . In order to find ways to reduce it, we examined the relationship between residents’ life and water, from the viewpoint of their awareness and behavior, based on questionnaire-based surveys. For drinking water, they were questioned about the taste of water, and were asked to perform a simple water assessment. For waste water, they were questioned about actions they take in each living activity, such as cooking and washing. For concern/interest about water, they were questioned how often they visit rivers. The survey revealed the following results: they think that the taste of drinking water is terrible and worry that the water might not be safe, though they do not care about domestic waste water; yet 20% of household wives answered that they purchased goods that were environmentally friendly. Their concepts or lifestyles were different from place to place: Hamura residents thought that the Tama River is a part of their gardens; Setagaya residents were accustomed to a wasteful society; and Kawasaki residents often visited river beds for recreation. From these study results, a hypothesis was proposed: the development of cities/towns has some effects on the environmental awareness and environmentally friendly lifestyle of local residents. |
共同研究者 Collaborators |
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