No.075 研究課題 / Project
多摩川中流域の屋敷林の研究-特に玉川上水周辺の屋敷林の構成-Study of Yashikirin Forest in the middle Tama River--Constitution of Yashikirin Forest near the Tamagawa Josui Channel--一般研究 General Research |
No.075 |
代表研究者 Principal Investigator |
秋山 好則 Yoshinori. Akiyama |
所属(採択当時) Affiliation |
都立武蔵丘高等学校教諭 Teacher, Tokyo Metropolitan Musashigaoka High School |
研究内容要約 Research Summary |
武蔵野の屋敷林の樹木の配置を見ると、ほとんどの場合母屋の南東にみごとなケヤキの高木が配置されている。これを「巽のケヤキ」と呼びたい。母屋の南側に広い前庭があって、南西部に蔵、南東部に外便所や納屋が配置されているのが一般的てある。母屋の南側にシラカシが1列に植えられ、カシクネと呼ばれる。母屋の北側にもシラカシが防風のために植えられていることも多い。その外側には杉林や竹林が配されていることも多い。特に竹林はかつてはマダケが多かったが、今てはモウソウチクがほとんどで北東部や北側に多い。 屋敷回りを囲む生垣としては武蔵野ではヒイラギモクセイが多く使われている。北西部や北側に屋敷神様をまつり祠が置かれていることも多い。 屋敷林の構成樹はケヤキとシラカシが庄倒的に多く、100%の出現率を示す。ほかにはシュロ、ヒノキ、スギ、ムクノキ、モチノキ、イロハカヱデ、エノキなどがある。例外的にクヌギが多数ある農家もあるが、屋敷林ではコナラ、クヌギのような雑木林の構成種はあまり見られない。 If you see yashikirin forests (homestead forests) in the Musashino Region, you’ll find beautiful tall Zelkova serrata in the southeast of the house. Here we would like to call them Southeast Zelkova Trees. Common arrangement patterns are as follows: there is a wide front yard in the south, warehouse in the southwest, and a toilet/barn in the southeast. Quercus myrsinaefolia trees [Japanese white oaks] are planted in a line south of the house: a line of Quercus myrsinaefolia trees is called kashikune (a hedge of oak trees). Sometimes Quercus myrsinaefolia trees are planted at the north side as a windbreak. In addition, cedars and bamboos are often planted around the environs. As to bamboos, people used to plant Phyllostachys bambusoides [common bamboo], but recently, Phyllostachys pubescens [moso bamboo] is commonly used, and planted toward the northeast or north in most cases. In the Musashino Region, Osmanthus ´ fortunei is used as a hedge to surround a homestead. A small shrine is sometimes placed in the northwest or north, to worship a household god. Zelkova and Japanese white oak are overwhelmingly used for homestead forests, and found in all the houses. Other trees include Trachycarpus fortunei [palm], Chamaecyparis obtusa [Japanese cypress], Cryptomeria japonica [Japanese cedar], Aphananthe aspera [Aphanathe Oriental Elm], Ilex integra [holly], Acer palmatum [Japanese maple], and Celtis sinensis [hackberry]. Trees found mainly in brush, such as Quercus serrata [white oak] and Quercus acutissima [sawtooth oak], are seldom used for homestead forests, though Quercus acutissima is exceptionally planted in a few homesteads. |
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