No.034 研究課題 / Project
多摩川の底生動物の生態をもとにした環境教育プログラムの作成An Environmental Education Program Based on the Benthos in Tama River.一般研究 General Research |
No.034 |
代表研究者 Principal Investigator |
橋上 一彦 Kazuhiko Hashigami |
所属(採択当時) Affiliation |
東京学芸大学付属小金井中学校教諭 Teacher, (Tokyo Gakugei University) Koganei Junior High School |
研究内容要約 Research Summary |
(1)中学校理科生物領域のカリキュラムへ、環境教育的要素をもりこむための具体的な教材の開発をめざず。 (2)教材開発の素地を、生徒の日常生活にかかわりの大きい「水(多摩川水系)」に求め、底生動物相の調査をもとに、水中の環境要素の質と変化を推論する。 (3)水中の環境要素に影響を与える人為的条件を考察する。 (4)教材作成に必要な調査研究に生徒を参加させて、探究学習を体験させながら、環境問題への生徒の意識を高め ることをはかる。 (1) We sought ways to develop educational materials that would allow us to carry out environmental education as a part of junior high school biology classes. (2) Water (the Tama River system) was selected for the development of educational materials because it is closely related to the students’ daily life. Based on the study of benthic fauna, we assessed the environmental elements in water, and estimated possible changes in them. (3) We discussed the artificial conditions that affect environmental elements in water. (4) We had students participate in investigation/research required for the development of educational materials. It was hoped that, through these activities, students would become more interested in environmental problems. |
共同研究者 Collaborators |
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