No.033 研究課題 / Project
多摩川と高校生物-高校生物の野外実習の場に多摩川を取り上げ、多摩川の汚染の現状と環境保全について考えさせる-Tama River and Biology for High school Students.Environmental Education of High school Students for Better Understanding of Pollution and Environmental Conservation; Tama River as a Field for Biological Education.一般研究 General Research |
No.033 |
代表研究者 Principal Investigator |
彦坂 滋春 Shigeharu Hikosaka |
所属(採択当時) Affiliation |
都立永山高等学校教諭 Teacher, Tokyo Metropolitan Nagayama High School |
研究内容要約 Research Summary |
多摩川を調査・研究の対象にしている高校の生物クラブは比較的多いが、多摩川を生物の授業の中で、野外実習の対象にしている高校はないと思われる。そこで、永山高校では、関戸橋付近の多摩川に野外実習に適した地点を設定し、3年生の生物IIの授業(生態領域を含む)の中で、種々の調査を実施した。そして、多摩川の汚染の現状を生徒に認識させたうえで、多摩川の環境保全について考えさせることを目的とした。 There are many high-school biology clubs that investigate/research the Tama River. However, it does not seem that fieldwork activities are carried out as a part of biology classes at any high school. Along the Tama River near Sekido Bridge , we Nagayama High School selected some sites suitable for fieldwork, where several studies were carried out as a part of a biology II class in the third grade (which includes the field of ecology). Through these activities, students understood the pollution of the Tama River , and discussed how to preserve its environment |
共同研究者 Collaborators |
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