No.022 研究課題 / Project
地域(多摩川中流域)の自然を教材化に生かした理科教育-4年「流れる水のはたらき」の実践を通して-Science education of nature around us focusing on the middle region of Tamagawa River as an examplePractice for “action of running water” of the 4th year class一般研究 General Research |
No.022 |
代表研究者 Principal Investigator |
花岡 紀子 Noriko Hanaoka |
所属(採択当時) Affiliation |
府中市立本宿小学校教諭 Teacher, Fuchu Municipal Honshuku Elementary School |
研究内容要約 Research Summary |
府中市は、南に多摩川が流れているが、理科の学習において、多摩川の自然環境を十分教材として生かしていない実情にある。 そこで、市内における現地学習の適地を調査し、多摩川の教材化を図り、4年「流れる川のはたらき」の現地学習を効果的に行うための指導法を工夫する。 (1)学習に適した現地調査をして適切な教材化を図る。 (2)現地学習における学習効果を上げるための指導の工夫。 Though the Tama River runs in the southern part of Fuchu City , the natural environment around the River is not fully utilized in the City as educational material for science classes. In this study, we investigated some areas in the City which seemed suitable for fieldwork, in order to utilize the River as educational material. The purpose of this study was to develop a better educational method which would allow us to carry out effective fieldwork activities (studying about the role of flowing river for elementary school 4th-grade students). (1) Carrying out surveys in areas that seem suitable for fieldwork, so as to properly utilize the River as educational material. (2) Development of better educational methods that will allow us to carry out effective fieldwork activities. |
共同研究者 Collaborators |
石川正光, 長谷川 篤 |
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