No.009 研究課題 / Project
多摩川水系の水質について〔経年変化、その他からみて〕Water Quality of the Tama River System.With Special Reference to its Seasonal Change.一般研究 General Research |
No.009 |
代表研究者 Principal Investigator |
浜谷 光昭 Mitsuaki Hamaya |
所属(採択当時) Affiliation |
神奈川県立向の岡工業高等学校教諭 Teacher, Kanagawa Prefectural Mukainooka Technical High School |
研究内容要約 Research Summary |
(1)多摩川本川および支流、秋川、日原川から、合計15ケ所の採水地点を決め、定期的に採水し、分析することにより、多摩川全体の水質の現況を把握すること。 (2)上流、中流、下流の水質の比較を行い、汚染が進行するのはどのあたりか、そして原因は何なのか等を究明する。 (3)49年から分析してきたわけであるが、その当時と現在の水質の経年変化を調ベ、浄化されているかどうかの判定の目安とする。 (4)多摩川本川と支流秋川、日原川の水質比較を行い本川に与える影響等を考え、検討を加える。 (1) In order to understand the status quo of the water quality of the Tama River as a whole, we analyzed water that was regularly collected from a total of 15 collection points selected along the Tama River and its branches (the Akigawa River and the Nippara River (2) We compared the water quality between the upper, middle and lower reaches of the River, and then discussed at which point of the River the pollution was serious and what possibly made it so. (3) Using data collected from 1974, we analyzed the year-to-year changes of water quality between the past and the present, in order to roughly judge whether the water quality had improved or not. (4) We compared the quality of the water from the Tama River and that from its branches (the Aki River and the Nippara River ), and then discussed how the water quality of the branches affected the quality of the main river. |
共同研究者 Collaborators |
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