No.007 研究課題 / Project
奥多摩水系(多摩川,秋川,平井川)の水質調査-上流から下流までの水質の変化及び日変化について-Water Analysis in the Okutama River System (Tama, Akigawa, and Hirai Rivers)Annual and Diurnal Changes in the Water Quality in the Upper and Lower Reaches.一般研究 General Research |
No.007 |
代表研究者 Principal Investigator |
西野 延男 Nobuo Nishino |
所属(採択当時) Affiliation |
五日市町立増戸中学校教諭 Teacher, Akiruno Municipal Masuko Junior High School |
研究内容要約 Research Summary |
(1)多摩川上流(河口より約50Kmより上流)と、その二大支流の水質を調査し、汚染の経年変化や、地域工業との関係を知り、水質保全の一助にしたかった。 (2)中学生の自然に対する関心を高め、科学する心を育てたかった。 (1) We investigated the quality of water from the upper reaches of the Tama River (50 km upstream from its estuary) and from its two major branches. The purpose was to understand year-to-year changes in pollution, and the relationship between regional industry and pollution. We hoped our study results would be helpful for water quality preservation. (2) At the same time, it was hoped that junior high school students would become more concerned with nature and science. |
共同研究者 Collaborators |
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