No.003 研究課題 / Project
多摩川流域でのトウキョウサンショウウオの分布とその生態-生息環境と体測定値考察-Distribution and Ecology of Tokyo Salamander in the Tama River Basin.Some Considerations of its Living Environment and Measured Body Weight.一般研究 General Research |
No.003 |
代表研究者 Principal Investigator |
金井 郁夫 Ikuo Kanai |
所属(採択当時) Affiliation |
八王子市立元八王子中学校教諭 Former Teacher, Hachioji Municipal Hachioji Junior High School |
研究内容要約 Research Summary |
(1)東京府西多摩郡多西村草花で採集されたものに命名され、今や激減の道をたどっているトウキョウサンショウウオの現状を把握し、保護増殖への道をさぐる。 (2)1960年以来15年間に入手したトウキョウサンショウウオの体測値データーをまとめ、多摩地区の特徴をさぐりだし、他地区との比較をおこない、進化の一端をさぐりだす。 (3)トウキョウサンショウウオの生息環境を分析し、その生活史を追究して広い意味での自然保護の資料とする。 (1) Tokyo Salamander was first found in Kusabana, Tasai Village Nishitama County Tokyo Prefecture , and thus named so. This study was carried out for the purpose of understanding the status quo of Tokyo Salamander, which is decreasing rapidly, to pave the way for the conservation of the species. (2) We summarized the body weight measurement data of Tokyo Salamander collected for 15 years from 1960. In order to understand a part of its evolution, we characterized the data from Tama district, which was then compared with data from other regions. (3) We analyzed the habitat of Tokyo Salamander to understand its life history. We hope that our study provides helpful information for nature conservation as a whole. |
共同研究者 Collaborators |
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