研究課題 / Project
多摩川上流部の里山林における菌類多様性評価 -里山林は樹木共生性きのこの種多様性の受け皿となりうるか-
Evaluation of ectomycorrhizal fungal diversity in secondary forest “satoyama” nearby the Tama-river.
研究課題 / Project
Fundamental study on information sharing of archives located in Tamagawa River basin:For local sustainability
研究課題 / Project
Analysis of potential rare earth pollution in Tama-river and its biological effects against aquatic animals
研究課題 / Project
多摩川の河川水、及び河川底の環境DNA解析による微生物叢解析 —微生物を指標とした河川管理ガイドラインの提案の試み—
Microbial analysis based on the environmental DNA from river water and river bottom of Tamagawa-River: Trial for the establishment of river management system based on Microbe.
研究課題 / Project
Multipoint monitoring for accumulation survey of radioactive cesium in Tamagawa River Watershed
研究課題 / Project
Genetic diversity of the Japanese daces,genus Tribolodon,in urvan Tama River system
研究課題 / Project
多摩川水域における希土類元素の存在分布とその起源に関する研究 ―主としてMRI造影剤用のガドリニウム濃度との関連性について一
Distribution of a rare earth element and its origin in Tama River waters -Relationship with gadolinium concentration of MRI contrast agent-