No.328 研究課題 / Project
近代多摩川と皇室The Modern Tama River and the Imperial Household学術研究 Academic Research |
No.328 |
代表研究者 Principal Investigator |
吉岡 拓 Taku Yoshioka |
所属(採択当時) Affiliation |
恵泉女学園大学 人文学部 特任助教 Keisen University Assistant professor |
研究内容要約 Research Summary |
本研究課題では、明治15年(1882)に連光寺村およびその周辺地域に天皇の猟場「連光寺村御猟場」が設置されたことを契機に、同御猟場内およびその周辺地域の多摩川沿岸で実施された天皇・皇族・宮内省関係者による鮎漁の実態と、その鮎漁の歴史が昭和戦前期にこの地域が「聖蹟」とされていくことの関連性について検討を行った。具体的には、多摩市教育委員会保管の「富澤家文書」、国文学研究資料館所蔵の「富澤家文書」、宮内庁宮内公文書館所蔵の「猟場録」「特殊狩猟録」「例規録」「山口正定日記」を主に分析し、それを東京大学史料編纂所、東京都公文書館の所蔵史料で補いながら調査・研究を行った。 研究の結果、天皇・皇族・宮内省関係者による鮎漁の実態について、極めて詳細にあきらかにすることができた。また、多摩地域の「聖蹟」化の過程において、この鮎漁の歴史が地元住民の間で盛んに宣伝されている事実も一定程度確認できた。 In 1882, an imperial hunting ground was established in Renkoji Village and the surrounding area. This research project studied the practice of fishing for sweetfish by the Emperor, members of the Imperial Family, and officials of the Imperial Household Department within the Renkoji Village Imperial Hunting Ground and along the banks of the Tama River nearby, and examined the relationship of the history of this practice to the fact that this area was considered a holy site in the prewar Showa period. More specifically, we focused primarily on analysis of the “Tomizawa Family Documents” held by Tama City Board of Education; “Tomizawa Family Documents” held by the National Institute of Japanese Literature; and “Hunting Ground Records,” “Special Hunting Records,” “Records of Statutes,” and the “Diary of Yamaguchi Masasada,” held in the Imperial Household Archives of the Imperial Household Agency. In conducting our research, we supplemented these sources with material from the archives of the Historiographical Institute of the University of Tokyo and the Tokyo Metropolitan Archives. As a result of this study, we were able to provide a very detailed picture of the practice of fishing for sweetfish by the Emperor, members of the Imperial Family, and officials of the Imperial Household Department. In addition, we were able to confirm to some extent that the history of imperial fishing for sweetfish was actively advertised by local citizens, in the process of the Tama area’s becoming considered a holy site. |
共同研究者 Collaborators |
清水 裕介 宮間 純一 Yusuke SHIMIZU Jyunichi MIYAMA |
研究全文 Full Text |
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