
No.324 研究課題 / Project

多摩川流域の水生昆虫類の遺伝的構造Genetic population structure of aquatic insects in the Tamagawa basin

Academic Research
Principal Investigator
倉西 良一
Ryoichi Kuranishi
Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba
Research Summary
広域分布種である事、そして卓越した現存量優占種となる日本の水生昆虫を代表するヒゲナガカワトビケラに焦点をあて、多摩川水系に生息するヒゲナガカワトビケラの集団遺伝子構造を多摩川水系30 地点から採集された96 個体のミトコンドリア遺伝子で解析した。
多摩川水系に生息するトビケラ目昆虫について遺伝子解析(ミトコンドリアCO1:バーコード領域)を行った。解析できた種類はナガレトビケラ科9 種、カワリナガレトビケラ科1 種、ヤマトビケラ科3 種、カワトビケラ科8 種、クダトビケラ科1 種、キブネクダトビケラ科2 種、イワトビケラ科1 種、アミメシマトビケラ科1 種、シマトビケラ科6 種、カクツツトビケラ科3 種、ニンギョウトビケラ科1 種、ヒゲナガトビケラ科2 種、フトヒゲトビケラ科1 種、ケトビケラ科1 種で計14 科40 種であった。これら40 種のうちすでにDNAデータベース(DDBJ)に種名で登録されていたのは16 種(この中には分類学的な問題や先行研究の誤同定種を含む)であったが今回の研究で少なくとも新たに24 種登録される。

The Stenopsychid caddisfly Stenopsyche marmorata Navás (Trichoptera;Stenopsychidae) is a repersentative aquatic insect of Japanese running water environment that is broadly distributed across the Japanese archipelago. It is an abundant and dominant standing crop species. We examined the population genetics of S. marmorata with mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) analyses of 96 specimens sampled across 30 sites within the Tamagawa basin. The results indicated that S. marmorata existed as four distinct population groups within the Tamagawa basin.
The first population group was identified across almost the entire Tamagawa basin except the river source region. It dominated over otherpopulation groups in terms of the number of individuals. This group is known to be widely distributed across the Japanese archipelago (from Hokkaido to Kyushu) and was referred as “Clade VIII” in a previous study (Tojo, et al., 2017). The second population group, which was referred as “Clade VI” in the previous study,was restricted to the middle region of the basin and comprised a small number of individuals. The third and fourth population groups, previously referred as “Clade IV” and “Clade III”, respectively, were observed at the source of the Tamagawa basin. Previous studies have also observed these two groups in the upstreamregion of Tamagawa.
We selected a ca. 658-bp fragment of the gene mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) as the DNA barcode for species and population classification, in combination with taxonomical information derived from specimen photographs. Based on this system of classification, 40 species representing 14 families of caddisflies were collected from the Tamagawa basin,Rhyacophilidae(9species),Hydrobiosidae (1 sp.), Glossosomatidae (3 sp.), Philopotamidae (8 sp.),Psychomyiidae (1 sp.), Xiphocentronidae (2 sp.), Polycentropodidae (1 sp.),Arctopsychidae (1 sp.), Hydropsychidae (6 sp.), Lepidostomatidae (3 sp.), Goeridae(1 sp.), Leptoceridae (2 sp.), Odontoceridae(1 sp.), Sericostomatidae (1 sp.).
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