
No.302 研究課題 / Project

安定同位体比及び土壌微量成分分析を用いた河床低下に伴う土丹露出・流出による河川生態系への影響についての研究Effects of riverbed degradation and sediment discharge on the downstream ecosystem analyzed by stable isotope ratios and microelements

Academic Research
Principal Investigator
浅枝 隆
Takashi Asaeda
埼玉大学大学院理工学研究科 環境科学領域 教授
Professor, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama Univ.
Research Summary
昭島地区の河床や洪水敷で土丹層が露出している景観は多摩川八景の一つになっている。土丹が露出した河床は洪水時に表層が剥離し塊または細粒状態で流下する。一方、多摩川の高水敷においては細粒土成分の割合が極めて高く、藪化・樹林化が急速に進行している。植物の生育条件が細粒度によって大きく助長されることを考えると、土丹層起源の細粒土が、藪化・樹林化を促進するトリガーになっている可能性がある。そこで、本研究では河川敷の土丹土壌と砂質土壌の特性を比較することで土壌トレーサーと成りうる元素の検討を行なった。含水率、粒度組成(D50)、全窒素(TN)、全炭素(TC)、全リン(TP)、硫黄(S)、窒素および炭素の安定同位体比(δ15N・δ13C)、溶存態窒素(NO2-・NO3-・NH4+)、カルシウム(Ca)、カリウム(K)、マグネシウム(Mg)、銅(Cu)、マンガン(Mn)、亜鉛(Zn)の計18項目の分析の結果、TN、TC、δ15N、Mg、Znの5項目は土丹土壌と砂質土壌で濃度に有意差が認められた(Student's t-test, P<0.05)。これらをトレーサーに用いることで土丹土壌の影響を評価できる可能性が示唆された。



The substrate of sediment bar in the mid-stream of a river is usually coarse due to ‘bed armoring’ caused during flooding events. Therefore, the nitrogen content of substrate is very low, and the growth of herbaceous plants is often restricted. Symbiotic N-fixation by legume plants is one of the most important processes of N-enrichment of these bars. Colonization of legume plant in infertile substrate could change the trophic level especially that of N. Succession of such plants also brings about favorable changes in soil particle size, nutrient and moisture content of substrate which may usher drastic change in the floristic composition.

In this study, we have compared clay and sandy sediments of mid-stream Tama River as tracers of factors associated in ecosystem changes. A total of 18 factors viz. moisture content, grain size distribution of soil (D50), total nitrogen (TN), total carbon (TC), total phosphorus (TP), sulphur (S), stable isotope ratios of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N), inorganic nitrogen (NO2–2, NO3 and NH4+), calcium (Ca), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn) were analyzed. There were significant differences (Student's t-test, P<0.05) in concentrations of TN, TC, δ15N, Mg and Zn between clay and sandy soils. Therefore, these factors can be used as indicators of ecological changes in river system induced by fine sediment deposition.

In recent years, many N-fixing legume plants e.g. Pueraria lobata have been growing with native plants such as Miscanthus sacchariflorus in the river floodplain. Upstream floodplain areas also have been encroached by these kind of plants and as a result the soil became nutrient rich.
内田 哲夫 埼玉大学大学院博士後期

Tetsuo Uchida
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