
No.287 研究課題 / Project

分子生物学的手法を用いた多摩川河口域の細菌群集モニタリングThe monitoring of population analysis of microorganisms living in the estuary of Tamagawa River by the molecular biological method

Academic Research
Principal Investigator
今田 千秋
Chiaki Imada
東京海洋大学大学院 教授
Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
Research Summary


The present study aims to specify the major environmental factors which influence the ecosystem of the estuary of Tamagawa River of the inner part of Tokyo Bay due to the runway expansion project of Tokyo International Airport (Haneda Airport). The environmental factors were determined to examine the horizontal and seasonal variation in community structures of microorganisms in order to clarity the ecosystem in situ by using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and multi dimensional scaling (MDS) methods. The sediment samples were collected in the estuary of Tamagawa River of Tokyo Bay for 8 times during the period of May 2008 and January 2010. Actinomycetes and sulfate-reducing bacteria were selected as indicator microorganisms from terrestrial soil and water pollution, respectively. Seasonal and horizontal variations of their community structures were analyzed. The horizontal variation was observed in both microorganisms whereas no clear seasonal variation was observed in the sediment. This suggests that the community structure of microorganisms in the estuary has been affected by the inflow of wastewater or terrestrial soil.
In the present study, the community structure of actinomycetes and sulfate-reducing bacteria in the estuary sediment of Tamagawa River and off-shore of Haneda Airport was analyzed by using DGGE method. The method proved to be very effective for the investigation of environmental monitoring of the effect on seawater, river water and sediment. It is necessary to collect surface seawater and sediment samples not only from the estuary of Tamagawa River or off-shore of Haneda but from various sampling stations in the inner part of Tokyo Bay in order to further analyze the population of microorganisms in the future. Especially large rivers which inflow into Tokyo Bay such as Edogawa River and Arakawa River need to be investigated, because research findings of these areas will promote determining the impact on the ecosystem of entire areas in Tokyo Bay. Moreover, from the result of the phylogenetic analysis of actinomycetes from inner part of Tokyo Bay, it is apparent that undiscovered strains are living in the surface seawater. This suggests that marine environment is a prospective source for finding the novel ones.
小林 武志(東京海洋大学 大学院 准教授)
濱田 奈保子(東京海洋大学 大学院 教授)

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