No.280 研究課題 / Project
湧水温、湧出量とシリカ濃度に基づく涵養・湧出機構の推定―東京都日野市の例―Assumption of mechanisms for conservation and the eruption of water, based on the temperature and the volume of spring water, and the concentration of silica - the example of Hino City, Tokyo学術研究 Academic Research |
No.280 |
代表研究者 Principal Investigator |
松山 洋 Hiroshi Matuyama |
所属(採択当時) Affiliation |
首都大学東京 都市環境科学研究科 地理環境科学専攻 准教授 Associate Professor, Graduate Schools of Urban Environmental Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University |
研究内容要約 Research Summary |
日野市にある8地点の湧水のうち、2地点では水温の季節変化が大きい。日野市に温泉はなく、水温の季節変化が地中伝導熱で生じることを考えると、これら2地点の湧水は、恒温層より浅いところを流れる地下水によって涵養されていなければならず、降水が速やかに浸透・湧出するはずである。このことを確認するため、降水にほとんど含まれないSiO2濃度に着目して湧水の調査・分析を行なった。日野市に最も近いAMeDAS八王子の年降水量 (1,572 mm) の約1割を超える連続雨量が観測された事例は2006年9月~2007年10月に4回あり、上述した2地点の湧水では、豪雨後のSiO2濃度の平均値は、晴天時 (11回) の平均値よりも統計的に有意に小さかった。一方、残り6地点の湧水では、豪雨後と晴天時のSiO2濃度の平均値の差は統計的に有意でなく、湧水温の季節変化も小さかった。すなわち、同じ日野市内の湧水であっても涵養・湧出機構が異なる可能性が示唆された。 Among eight springs in Hino City, the seasonal change of water temperature at two of these springs is remarkably large. Since there are no hot springs in Hino City, this seasonal change must be explained by the ground heat flux, i.e., the two springs must be recharged by groundwater running in a shallower layer than the isothermal layer. Specifically, rain is expected to infiltrate and drain rapidly into these two springs. In order to confirm this, we conducted a field survey focusing on the concentration of silica, which is hardly found in rainfall. Four heavy rainfalls occurred from September 2006 to October 2007 when the amount of rainfall exceeded about 10 % of the annual rainfall of AMeDAS Hachiouji (1,572 mm), nearest Hino City. At these two springs, the average concentration of silica after the heavy rainfalls was statistically smaller than that of the clear days (11 times). In contrast, the average concentrations were not statistically different at the other six springs, and there was a smaller seasonal change of spring temperature. These results imply that the recharging and draining systems of springs in Hino City will be different even though they are located in the same city. |
共同研究者 Collaborators |
成宮博之(朋優学院高等学校) 中山大地(首都大学東京 都市環境科学研究科) Hiroyuki Narumiya (HoYu-Gakuin High School) Daichi Nakayama (Graduate School of Urban Environment Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University) |
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