
No.275 研究課題 / Project

多摩川水系飲用水に関する市民コーディネータ育成アカデミーの設立Foundation of civic education academy for potable water from the Tama River system

Academic Research
Principal Investigator
鈴木 信夫
Nobuo Suzuki
千葉大学大学院 医学研究院環境影響生化学 教授
Professor at the Graduate School of Medicine and School of Medicine (Environmental Biochemistry), Chiba University
Research Summary
水の生命科学に関わる市民講座を開講しながら、多摩川の水や多摩川周辺の湧水と多摩川水系の水道水に関する細胞の生存能への影響を調査した。比較として、江戸川などの他の河川の水や周辺地域の水道水や湧水の調査もいった。採取水試料中の有機化合物をOASIS HLBレジンカラムに吸着させることにより濃縮し、 MTT法を用いて細胞の増殖阻害度を調べた。MTT検査の評定基準をBisphonol AやCadmiumの作用と比較し、±10%以内を良質水、±20%以内を許容水質とした。小作周辺多摩川と金町周辺江戸川で、毎月1回1年間の河川水採取を行ったが、夏期は、両河川水とも水質の悪化が共通してあり、多摩川水については春期も悪化していた。水道水サンプルも必ずしも常時良質ではなかった。一方、市民講座や高校への出前講義で水に関わる生命科学のコーディネータの養成が可能となった。その結果、東京都成瀬高校のスーパーサイエンス校化などに成功した。

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the biological effects of potable and tap water samples from the Tama River system on human cells using bioassays and to construct the educational system which supplies information about the role of water on human health to citizens around the Tama River area. For the former purpose, potable and tap water samples from the Edo River system and other systems were comparatively examined for the biological effects. Organic chemical compounds in the water samples were concentrated by adsorption to OASIS HLB resin and used for the bioassay. Water samples from the Ozaku reach of the Tama River and Kanamachi area of the Edo River were collected every month during one year. The assay was performed by the MTT analysis revealing degrees of cell proliferation inhibition. The results obtained by the analysis of Bisphenol A and Cadmium effects indicated that the inhibition levels of ±10% and ±20% are good and permissible characteristics of the water samples, respectively. The concentrated samples from the both rivers showed greater inhibitory effects on the cell proliferation in summer than those in other seasons, and also those from the Tama River did in spring. The concentrated samples of tap water did not always showed significant good effects. For the latter aim of educational system construction, we gave lectures on life-water science and could obtain the help of citizens, resulting in the successfulness of getting Tokyo Naruse High School the super-science scholarship.
喜多和子、鈴木敏和、菅谷茂、長尾明子 (千葉大学大学院医学研究院環境影響生化学)

Kazuko Kita, Akiko Nagao, Toshikazu Suzuki, Shigeru Sugaya (Graduate School of Medicine, Environmental Biochemistry, Chiba University)
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