
No.253 研究課題 / Project

多摩川水系の底質におけるポリクロロジベンゾチオフェンの分布及びその残留性の評価Distribution of polychlorinated dibenzothiophenes in sediment samples taken from Tamagawa river and their persistency

Academic Research
Principal Investigator
中井 智司
Satoshi Nakai
東京農工大学大学院 共生科学技術研究部 助手
Strategic Research Initiative for Survival Paths, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Research Summary
拝島橋や関戸橋、多摩川原橋と大師橋付近から底質サンプルを採取して分析を行った結果、大師橋付近から採取した底質からは、PCDTsが30 pg/g検出されたが、拝島橋や関戸橋、多摩川原橋からは検出されなかった。この大師橋での検出濃度は既往の研究で報告されたダイオキシン類の濃度よりも低かった。一方、焼却飛灰や焼却由来の汚染土壌にもダイオキシン類よりも低濃度ながらPCDTsが検出された。異性体のパターンから、大師橋の底質のPCDTsのソースは燃焼プロセスである可能性が考えられた。次に、環境中での残留性を評価するため、OCDT、TeCDT及びこれらに相当するジベンゾフラン(OCDFとTeCDF)の光分解性及び生分解性を評価した。その結果、PCDTsの光分解速度はPCDFsよりも遅いが、生分解性に関してはPCDFsとほぼ同じであることが示唆された。これより、PCDTsはPCDFsと同様に残留性の高い物質であることが示唆された。また、PCDTsのAhレセプターとの結合能力から、PCDTsにはPCDFsと同程度のダイオキシン類様の内分泌攪乱作用の可能性が認められた。

Sediment samples were taken from under Haijima, Sekido, Tamagawara, and Daishi bridges and analyzed for polychlorinated dibenzothiophenes (PCDTs). The Daishi Bridge sediment sample was the only one that contained PCDTs. The concentration of PCDTs was 30 pg/g; the value was much lower than that of PCDD/DFs. Similar relationship between PCDTs and PCDD/DFs was observed in the fly ash and combustion-origin dioxin contaminated soil samples. A comparison of the isomers patterns of PCDTs between the fly ash and Daishi Bridge sediment samples allowed us to expect that the origin of PCDTs in the Daishi Bridge sediment was waste combustion. In order to investigate the persistency of PCDTs, their photodegradability and biodegradability were investigated. UV irradiation against OCDT, TeCDT and their corresponding polychlorinated dibenzofurans (OCDF and TeCDF) showed that PCDTs were more stable than PCDFs, while the biodegradability of PCDTs under aerobic/anaerobic conditions was similar to that of PCDFs. These results suggest that persistency of PCDTs in the environment is same as that of PCDFs. Finally, Ah-receptor binding activity of PCDTs was investigated. The result showed possibility that PCDTs had the dioxin like-endocrine disruption potency as strong as PCDFs.
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