No.248 研究課題 / Project
多摩川に接続する農業水路の魚類の生息状況とそれを規定する要因についてA study on living conditions of freshwater fishes and the factors providing their habitats on irrigation channels connected with the Tama River.学術研究 Academic Research |
No.248 |
代表研究者 Principal Investigator |
千賀 裕太郎 Yutaro Senga |
所属(採択当時) Affiliation |
東京農工大学農学部地域生産システム学科教授 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology |
研究内容要約 Research Summary |
自治体や農家、市民の支援と協力の下、東京都日野市の用水路および国立市の府中用水とその受益水田を対象に、2001~2003年に魚類調査を実施した。その結果、魚類の繁殖期にあたる春季に、日野用水下流の根川と浅川との接続部においてコイ、フナ属、ナマズの仔稚魚が出現し、河川に生息する魚類が水路へと進入し繁殖を行うことが示唆された。日野市の幹線水路では、ドジョウ、キンブナといった水田を繁殖の場として利用する魚類について、水路から溯上可能な水田地帯に局所的に集中して仔稚魚が出現した。府中用水の受益水田では、灌漑開始とともにドジョウ、タモロコ、フナ属の成熟魚が水田に進入し、落水時に多量の仔稚魚が水田から脱出した。これらの成果から、多摩川中流域の都市近郊に残存する小規模な水田水域が、魚類の繁殖場所・成育場所としての役割を果たしていることを明らかにした。その結果を受け、農業水路および水田の今後のあり方、それらを活かしたまちづくりの可能性について論じるシンポジウムを市民団体と共同で2回開催したほか、多摩の水田保全を考える集い、府中市議員研修などにおいて講演を行った。 Under the support of citizens, farmers (irrigation association), and administrative organization, fish fauna was investigated on channels at the City of Hino, and on paddy fields at the City of Kunitachi, Tokyo Metropolis from 2001 to 2003. The findings of the research are as follows. Juveniles and sub-adults of Cyprinus carpio, Carassius sp., and Silurus asotus appeared at the connect point of the Ne River, the lower reaches of Hino irrigation channel, and the Tama River at springtime as breeding season of fishes. So it was suggested that fishes which live in main river entered irrigation channels for spawning. Juveniles and sub-adults of fishes like Carassius buergeri subsp.1, Misgurnus anguillicaudatus, and Gnathopogpn elongates which use paddy fields for spawning, appeared regionally at the sampling site located near paddy fields around the main channel at the City of Hino. The connections between the channels and the paddy fields enable fishes to migrate from channels to the paddy fields upward. As soon as irrigation started, mature fishes of M.anguillicaudatus, G.elongatus, Carassius sp. entered paddy fields around the Fuchu irrigation channel. And lots of Juveniles and sub-adults escaped from paddy fields at the water draining period. So it was proved that small water body around paddy fields on the urbanizing suburbs which remain at the middle basin of the Tama River still have the capacity as place for spawning and growing for fishes. After those researches, we hold two symposiums in cooperation with the citizen group "society of citizens for environment of Fuchu". The themes of these were(1) the future vision of irrigation channels and paddy fields, and (2) the possibility of city planning that makes a best use of channels and paddies. And Prof. Senga and students gave lectures on such opportunity as "a meeting for thinking about preservation of paddy fields on Tama", "a study session for the member of city assembly of Fuchu". |
共同研究者 Collaborators |
亀山章(東京農工大学 農学部)・向達壮吉(日本電気株式会社 事業支援部)・中西修一(有限会社クォーク・スタッフ)・進藤礼治郎(府中市生涯学習推進協議会)・西田一也・西川弘美・皆川明子(東京農工大学 農学部) |
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