
No.247 研究課題 / Project

多摩川水系飲用水の生物作用の調査:遺伝子情報の不安定化と免疫機能の撹乱に関する水質検査Evaluation of biological effects of potable water from the Tama River system: estimation of genotoxic effects and immune response disrupting effects of the water sample on human cells using bioassay.

Academic Research
Principal Investigator
喜多 和子
Kazuko Kita
Chiba University
Research Summary
本研究では、多摩川水系飲用水のヒトへの生物作用を解析した。そのために、遺伝子操作法を用いたストレス蛋白質GRP78の発現抑制により、環境化学物質に対して感度よく応答する培養ヒト細胞ASを樹立した。水質検査の対象としたのは、多摩川水系水道水3種、利根川荒川水系水道水3種、多摩川河川水、千葉市都川河川水である。これらの水サンプル中の有機化合物をOasis HLB カラムで濃縮し、AS細胞を用いて試験管内細胞増殖阻害と遺伝子毒性作用を調べた。その結果、都川河川水に強い増殖阻害作用、拝島桜堤付近の多摩川河川水に遺伝子変異誘導作用が認められた。水道水濃縮サンプルには、顕著な細胞増殖阻害作用は観察されなかった。遺伝子毒性作用については、利根川荒川水系水道水の方が多摩川水系水道水に比べやや強い変異誘導性が認められた。多摩川水系飲用水を摂取している八王子在住のボランティア血清に遺伝子変異誘導作用は観察されなかった。また、リンパ球を用いた免疫応答能の解析では、化学物質処理による細胞表面の活性化マーカーの発現量の増大とプロテアーゼ誘発作用が示された。

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the biological effects of potable water from the Tama River system on human cells using bioassays. For this purpose, we established human AS cells with down-regulation of stress protein GRP78. AS cells showed high sensitivity to the genotoxicity of environmental chemicals and were used for the bioassay. Tam water samples from the Tama River system and the Tone0Ara River system were collected at 3 different points, respectively. Water samples from Tama River (near Haijimasakurazutumi) and Miyako River (near Yamatobashi) were also collected. Organic chemical compounds in the water samples were concentrated by adsorption to OASIS HLB resin and used for the bioassay. Among all the concentrated samples tested, those from Miyako River and Tama River showed greatest growth-inhibiting effect and genotoxic effect on the cells, respectively. None of the concentrated samples of tap water showed any significant growth-inhibiting effect, but those from the Tone-Ara River system showed slightly greater genotoxic effects than those from the Tama River system. On analysis of the ability of human serum to regulate cell mutability, mutation-inducing activity was not observed in serum from any of 0 volunteers, who drink water from the Tama River system daily. Furthermore, we analyzed the levels of surface marker proteins and protease activity in human lymphocytes as a marker of immune response ability and found that the former was altered and the latter was increased in the cells exposed to environmental toxic chemicals.
鈴木信夫・野村 純・唐田清伸・菅谷 茂・相澤 舞長尾明子(千葉大学大学院医学研究院)

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