No.227 研究課題 / Project
高精度測定法による多摩川水系の水収支・物質収支の動態把握と河川水質形成機構の解明Research on Mechanism of Water Chemistry Formation by a High-precision of Dynamic States of Water Balance and Mass Balance in the Tama River System.学術研究 Academic Research |
No.227 |
代表研究者 Principal Investigator |
大森 博雄 Hiroo Ohmori |
所属(採択当時) Affiliation |
東京大学生物生工学研究センター教授 The University of Tokyo |
研究内容要約 Research Summary |
溶流物質フラックスの高精度測定法を確立するとともにその測定精度を検討し た。そのうえで高精度測定法を適用し、多摩川の代表的支流である浅川水系の物質収支・水収支を明らかにした。その結果から、主要支流域の平均水質を求めるとともに、流城における土地利用特性との関係を相関分析によって検討した。さ らに、浅川本流における水質の縦断変化と、流域特性(地形・地質・土地利用) とを総合的に比較検討し、浅川水系における水質に及ぽす浅層地下水や下水処理排水の影響について論じた。 In this research, a high-precision method of measuring dissolved material flux was developed and its accuracy was examined. By employing this method, water balance and mass balance were measured along the Asakawa River which is a representative tributary of the Tama River. Average water chemistries of main tributaries of the Asakawa River were estimated, and their correlation with the characteristics of landuse in the drainage basins was analyzed. After a comprehensive comparison between longitudinal changes in water chemistry along the Asakawa River and the characteristics of the drainage basins such as landform geological setting and landuse, effects of shallow groundwater recharge and waste water from sewage-diposal plants on water chemistry of the Asakawa River were discussed. |
共同研究者 Collaborators |
大田 剛・杉盛啓明 |
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