No.220 研究課題 / Project
多摩川中~上流域の森林土壌からN2O放出速度の地理的分布と窒素循環Emission of N2O from the forest soil on the upper~middle stream of the Tama river:An approach to the global biogeochemical cycle of nitrogen.学術研究 Academic Research |
No.220 |
代表研究者 Principal Investigator |
土器屋 由紀子 Yukiko Dokiya |
所属(採択当時) Affiliation |
東京農工大学農学部教授 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology |
研究内容要約 Research Summary |
温室効果気体の一つである一酸化二窒素(N2O)は自然界では消化および脱窒の 過程で生成される。温帯林土壌からの発生は地球全体の負荷量の7%と見積もられている が、東アジアの報告値は少ない。本研究では多摩川の支流大栗川の源流域であるFM多摩 丘陵(旧波丘地)において観測し、精度のよい見積もりと地域差を明らかにした。 土壌空気の鉛直分布や土壌の酸化還元状態に関する研究を行い、森林の窒索飽和現象と N20発生機構の関係をしらべた。また、大気からの窒素の負荷量として降水および乾性沈着 の窒素化合物をしらベ、多摩丘陵の降水に化学成分の特徴を明らかにした。 Nitrous oxide (N2O) is one of the green house gases, which is known to be emitted from the soil as a byproduct of nitrification and also as a temporary product of denitrification reactions of microbes. The emission flux from temperate forest is supposed to be about 7 % of the global emission, however, little data is available in East Asia. In this report, an intense observation on N2O flux was performed at Tama Hills, which located on the riverhead of the Ohkuri river one of the branch of the Tama river. Using the results obtained, a precise estimation on the emission flux was derived. Vertical distribution on the soil atmospheric N2O concentration and the relationship between nitrogen saturation and N2O flux were also studied. Atmospheric depositions of nitrogen compounds were also studied to show the chemical characteristics of the precipitation at Tama Hills. |
共同研究者 Collaborators |
楊宗興・碓井敏宏 |
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