
No.214 研究課題 / Project

多摩川およびその流域の都市化と環境保全Urbanization and environmental preservation of Tamagawa River basin

Academic Research
Principal Investigator
中井 達郎
Tatsuro Nakai
The Nature Conservation Society of Japan
Research Summary
まず、多撃川流域を河川水系網にとどまらず広い視野で捉え、かつ景観や地下水等の 都市化に伴う変化と課題を整理した。 1.多摩川中・下流域における土地利用解析による景観環境学的研究。 2.東京近郊丘陵地における谷津田の減少。 3.八王子東部地区における土地利用状況および地下水水質の変化とその要因。 また、次の研究は、上記のような土地利用変化・都市化に伴う生物の反応を研究したも ので、環境変化の指標の検討でもある。 4.都市化と植生変化-多摩川流域における樹木の生理状態と菌類相-。 さらに以下の研究においては、河川周辺の生物群集の特性を捉え、人為的影響に対する それらの反応や、特に最近河川行政によって進められつつある「多自然型川づくり」の課題 を検討した。 5.多摩川流域の渓流辺草本群落について。 6.多摩川中流域河川植生に与える人為的影響。 7.河川底生無脊椎動物群集に対する多自然型川づくつによる改修工法の影響。 8.平井川の多自然型川づくり河岸と未改修河岸での大型土壊動物相の比較。 これらの研究に基づき、流域の環境保全のための総合化と提言を検討した。

First, we summarized changes and problems associated with urbanization, such as those found in landscapes and groundwater, by examining the Tamagawa river basin, not merely from the viewpoint of a network of river systems, but also from a broader perspective.

1. Landscape environmental studies based on analysis of land utilization in the middle and lower Tamagawa River basin

2. Decrease of valley paddy fields on hilly terrains around Tokyo

3. Condition of land utilization, and changes and their causes concerning water quality of groundwater, in eastern Hachioji City

The next study was conducted to examine the effect on living things, of above-mentioned changes in land utilization and urbanization, and to see whether it could be used as an indicator of environmental changes.

4. The effect of urbanization on vegetation: mycoflora and physiological state of trees in the Tamagawa River basin

In the following studies, we understood the characteristics of biological communities around the River, and then discussed the anthropogenic effects on them and the problems in Neo-Natural River Reconstruction, the project conducted recently by the river administration.

5. Herbaceous communities in the Tamagawa River basin

6. Anthropogenic effects on river vegetation in the Tamagawa River basin

7. The effect of river improvement works related to the Neo-Natural River Reconstruction, on low-living invertebrate communities.

8. Comparison of soil macrofauna in the Hirai River between improved areas related to the Neo-Natural River Reconstruction and non-improved areas.

Based on these studies, we summarized information relevant to the preservation of the River basin, and made suggestions for its preservation.
大森博推・杉盛啓明・小泉武栄・井上千晶・小倉紀雄・鈴木和夫・佐々木廣海・星野義廷 大塚俊之・大沢雅彦・加賀谷降・前原忠

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