No.208 研究課題 / Project
多摩川流域における細胞毒性変動の調査、解析Analysis of time-course variation of cytotoxicity in the Tama-river basin学術研究 Academic Research |
No.208 |
代表研究者 Principal Investigator |
酒井 康行 Yasuyuki Sakai |
所属(採択当時) Affiliation |
東京大学生産技術研究所講師 The University of Tokyo |
研究内容要約 Research Summary |
低密度リポタンパクの取り込み活性に着目した迅速評価原理を元にしたセンシ ングチップを開発した。 細胞固定化担体としてコラーゲン性の多孔質マイクロキャリアーを使用し、チップ に充填した状態での細胞の活性などを測定し、安定した毒性検出性能を得るべく 検討を重ねた。 操作の簡便さを併せて検討し、毒性センシングチップのプロトタイプを完成させた。 数十種類の化学物質や断続的に採取した多摩川河川水の毒性を評価し、通常の 培養細胞による評価結果と比較することで、毒性検出結果の妥当性について検討した。 To enable rapid and on-site evaluation of acute human toxicity of environmental water samples, we developed a disporsable sensing device based on the inhibition of fluorescent-reagent-labeled low-density lipoprotein uptake activity of cultured human hepatoma cells. This was done by immobilizing the cells at a high density in porous micro carriers and by packing them in a tip of a 200 μm-micropipet. The performance of the developed device was evaluated in terms of sensitivity against a large number of toxic chemicals and water samples taken from some sports of Tama river basin. These sampling spots were located in the middle of the river basin, that is, Hino-Bashi, Sekido-Bashi, and Arai-Bashi. The results demonstrated that acute human toxicity can be evaluated by using this device within two hours. In addition, toxicities of river waters remarkably varied according to the elapse of time. In a most significant case, the toxicity changed from almost a non-toxic level to a level nearly comparable to acute human lethal toxicity. This fact in turn demonstrates the necessity of systems that enable rapid toxicity evaluation when we think about rational risk management of environmental waters. |
共同研究者 Collaborators |
迫田章義、庄司良 |
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