No.187 研究課題 / Project
多摩川水系のトビケラ相とその分布Fauna and distribution of trichoptera in Tamagawa River system学術研究 Academic Research |
No.187 |
代表研究者 Principal Investigator |
片桐 一正 Kazumasa Katagiri |
所属(採択当時) Affiliation |
元、東京大学農学部教授 The University of Tokyo |
研究内容要約 Research Summary |
多摩川水系におけるトピケラ相、およぴ各種の分布とその規定要因を明らかにすることを目的 として、様々な標高、河川規模の165地点において、3年間にわたり詳細な採集調査を行った。 その結果、未記載種を多数含む142種のトピケラ類の生息が確認された。水系内の分布を属レベ ルでみると、各属の生息要求にしたがって標高もしくは河川規模に分布限界を示すものが多かっ た。近縁種間で比較すると標高分布に相違を示すものが多く認められた。また、標高によって異 なった河川規模に分布するパターンが数種について認められ、分布規定因子として冬期の水温の 重要性が示唆された。トピケラ類の群集組成は標高と河川規模によってほぽ正確に予測できるこ とが示され、トピケラ類の河川環境の評価指標としての有効性が明らかとなった。 We collected and investigated a river fly species, Trichoptera, for three years at 165 sites at various altitudes and various types of river environments. The purposes of this study were to: examine the Trichoptera species and the distribution of each of its species in the Tamagawa river system, and to understand factors that characterize the distribution features of Trichoptera. As a result, 142 species of Trichoptera were observed, including many new species. Most geneses of Trichoptera in the river system were suited to the different altitudes and river environments, depending on their habitat requirements. Therefore, the distribution limit was different from genus to genus. In most cases, even related species showed different distribution limits to according to different altitudes. Also, several species showed unique distribution patterns in which the river environments inhabited by them were affected by the altitudes. It suggests that water temperature in winter is an important factor characterizing the distribution of the Trichoptera fly species. This research shows that the community structure of Trichoptera can be predicted accurately from scales altitude and a river; and therefore, Trichoptera is useful as an indicator of the river environment. |
共同研究者 Collaborators |
加賀谷 隆、野崎隆夫、倉西良一 |
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