
No.145 研究課題 / Project

多摩川の表流水および河床付着層に生息する細菌群集の存在状態の解析Analysis of bacterial colonies and epilithon in Tamagawa River

Academic Research
Principal Investigator
森川 和子
Kazuko Morikawa
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Research Summary
夏期に得られた結果から、上流域における細菌群集に関しては、顕微鏡画面に見られるAO染色粒子の面積の平均が、河川水の方が付着層のものより小さく、中流域にいたるにしたがつて両者の区別がなくなった。これは河川の流れに沿って“細菌群集の構成が変化していくためと考えられた。 また、冬期に得られた結果からは、河川水のDOCの値と、付着層を構成する細菌粒子の中で0.3‐0.4μm2以上の分画のものが有意の相関を示し、画像解析でえられた粒子の中で0.3μm2以下のものは非細菌性粒子あるいは有機物分解を行なわない細菌の可能性が高いと考えられた。

We used an image analyzer, Nexus Qube, to count bacteria colonies in epilithon collected on the left bank of the Tamagawa River under the Koremasa Bridge . Through this study, a counting system was established, which separately counts particles from bacteria colonies stained red or green by acridine orange (AO).

Using this newly established method, together with a staining method and a plate method, we counted river bacteria colonies collected at four sites in summer and at six sites in winter in the upper and middle basin of the Tamagawa River

Data based on bacterial collection in summer:

We determined the average of the areas of AO-stained particles in the microscopic field. As for bacteria collected in the upper River basin, the average area of bacteria particles in river water was smaller than the bacteria particles in epilithon. However, the differences in area between them became smaller in the middle basin. It is probably because the composition of bacteria varies from basin to basin.

Data based on bacteria collection in winter:

A significant correlation between the DOC value of river water and a fraction of bacterial particles larger than 0.3-0.4 mm2 among those comprising river epilithon was observed. In consideration of this data, it is probable that particles smaller than 0.3 mm2 in microscopic field were non-bacterial particles, or bacteria which do not decompose organic matter.

In conclusion, the introduction of image analysis techniques as a method to count bacteria colonies enabled us to understand part of the dynamics of bacteria colony structure.
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